Chapter IV:

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■ Jack's POV ■

After Ben and Jeff left for their walk I planned to have some me time. I used this spare time to focus on working on..anything. I gathered paper and writing utensils and began jotting down anything that came to mind. I guess you could call this working. I really couldn't think of anything that I needed to get done. I laid across the couch with my head on the arm. As I was doodling with a pencil I began losing my grip on it. The paper I was writing on fell on the floor and the pencil fell in the crack of the couch. I drifted off into a sleep.

Jeff's POV ■

I waited behind Ben as he unlocked the front door. We kicked off our shoes and walked in the house. Ben walked into the living room. A minute later he motioned with his head for me to come here and held his finger to his lips. I approached the couch, noticing Jack was fast asleep. He was so soundly. I smiled at the sight. Ben looked around at all the paper and pens and pencils that were scattered across the coffee table. He lucked at me, I shrugged. He crouched down and picked up a piece of paper that was on the floor next to the couch and set it on the coffee table. "Look at it." He whispered as he walked down the hallway and into his bedroom. I hadn't a clue what could be on the paper. I heard Ben's door shut with a click. Around random parts of the paper were little drawings- stars, some animals, a rocket ship- but there was something else. My eyes searched the picture that Jack had drawn. I found my fingers gently running along the artwork of me. It was beautiful. I felt chill bumps for two reasons. First, I didn't know that Jack could draw, and secondly, he drew me! He was thinking of me while I was out! I cursed the excited voice in my head. I kissed Jack's cheeck and picked him up in my arms. I gently pushed his bedroom door open with my foot and laid him on the bed. He shifted a little but was soon still. I pulled the covers down on the opposite side of the bed that Jack was on and set him on the now-prepared side. I pulled the warm comforter up so that it snuggled him. I shut the door on my way out.

Ben's POV ■

My bed shook a little, causing me to look up from my phone. I took my earbuds out of my ears. "Sup, Jeff." I greeted him. "Yo." I was expecting him to bring up Jack's drawing, but I guess he didn't. "So what did you think about the drawing?" Jeff's face turned red when I asked this. "Oh- oh that. It was good. I didn't know that he could draw." It wasn't exactly the answer I thought I'd hear, but it was my fault for not clearly stating the question. "Watcha listening to- well, what were you listening to?" Jeff got comfortable. He layed down on the end of the bed and placed his right arm under his head, he let his right leg stay bent. "Buttons." I answered. Honestly, when Jack moved in I figured that one of us would have a closer relationship with him then the other and that we wouldn't spend a lot of time hanging out anymore, but my prediction was wrong. We all get along fine and it seemed that no one spends more time with someone than the other. "Wanna play a game?" I asked. Jeff smiled and nodded. We sat on the floor and looked up at the television that showed our game.


Jeff buried his face in the carpet after hours of playing the video game. "No more. I need to rest." Jeff's way of 'sleeping' was laying face down in a pillow. I tossed him one of the blankets that were on my bed, along with a pillow. He plonked his face into it and was soon quiet. I adjusted my pillows and bedding and soon fell asleep, too.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2016 ⏰

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