Chapter 2

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Okay here is the new chapter a little longer than the last one so it should be good. Could I get 10 votes at least? Please?! Alright here you go comment VOTE and stuff.......... Hags!!!


"Urgh I can't believe we have to wait all day until our party! It's so long!" Alli whines in my ear as I drive us to school. "Shut up Alli! I hope your mate is deaf because your killing me with your stupid whining!!" I yell at Alli. She is so whiny today. I'd hate to be her mate.

I can't wait to meet my mate, unlike Alli, she doesn't want to be tied down to one person. She is such a slut sometimes, but I love her so I won't tell her that, to her face. As I pull into the school, it's an all werewolf school by the way, Alli starts fussing with her clothes. I just roll my eyes, sometimes she's so pathetic, always desperate for attention.

I stop the car and look over at Alli, "Good luck finding your mate today Alli." I say to her. She looks up at me and says back, "Oh luck to you to Eden."

I put up my long black hair into a ponytail and I get out of the car and lock it. I stride into the school when suddenly I get a shiver. My mate is here, I can tell, my wolf is screaming at me to find him. I wander through the hall to get to my locker trying to resist my urge of running to my mate and marking him. 'Alli,' I say through the mind link, 'I think my mate is here, I can feel him.' And not even seconds later Alli thinks back, 'Same here, I feel it really strong where I'm going.' Alli has first period history, maybe her mate is in there.

When I get to my locker I open it and grab what I need for maths, I have to hurry because my school is huge and I'm almost always late. The school is like no joke 3 floors and two football fields in length. So I have to hurry.

I'm running down the halls ramming into people who just can't seem to get out of my way when all of a sudden, I feel intense shocks going through my body, they aren't painful, almost pleasant. "MATE!" My wolf screams causing me to stop. I slowly turn around to see Ian Handlee, my mate. It's like time slowed down and we're the only two people in the whole hallway,I always thought they were joking when they told us that.

I smile when I see him, I finally found my mate! But my smile slowly falls when I see that it isn't returned. "Mate," I murmur as I step closer to him until we are almost touching. Finally he snaps out of whatever daze he was in and then he shakes his head and grasps my arm. He leads me over into an empty classroom. He lets go of my arms and just stares at me. "Ian, what are you thinking? Why did you pull me in here?" I ask him.

He looks me over not once but twice and then sighs, "I don't want it."

I give him a confused look, why does he mean? So I asked him what he meant. He looks at me with harden eyes. "I don't want the bond, I don't want you."

That instant my heart froze clearly he doesn't mean that. "Wait a moment you don't mean that!" I tell him.

"Yes I mean it Eden. I mean look at you you're not my type, I don't even know you, being with you would be social suicide, and to top it all off, why would I want you if I can have all the other beautiful women in the world? Why settle down? I reject you Eden."

At those word I felt my body burn. My vision turn blurry and I fall to the floor. No tears come out, I don't cry actually. I'm just numb. After I fall to the ground Ian leaves the room, probably to be with his bimbos.

I have to be strong, I'm the pack warrior after all. Ian will change is mind, he will realise he needs me. I am deciding im not going to be weak and run away from my problems, i will face them head on. So I stand up tall and pull out my iPod to put some of my jams on to help me feel more confident. When I put my headphones on and turn the music on I'm greeted with the sounds of Taylor Swift. Yuck, I grabbed Alli's iPod instead of mine this morning, which means of course she has mine. Now I have to talk to her.

I walk towards Alli's first period history class. I turn the corner to get to her class, and I see my mate, attacking the face of one of his bimbos he rejected me for. Feeling confident I march over to them and rip them apart. I look at Ian and say, "Wow can't even wait five minutes can you?"

He was about to answer when I heard a voice behind me. "Aw Eden you ruined our fun!" I froze and spun around quickly to face the bimbo, who just happens to be my sister, Alli!

I back up and stare at both of them. I look at Ian ans say, "So you reject me for my sister huh? You are so pathetic! I was going to forgive you but you know what? Screw you! I hope you get herpes!!!" And I look at my sister. "I don't even have any words to describe how disappointed I am in you."

After that I turn and hurry away as fast as I can to get away from the pathetic bunch. While I started to fast run I rammed into my best friend Magen and her mate, Jonny. They are the most perfect couple, in my opinion. Both with dark brown hair and brown eyes, they just look so good together. Honestly the cutest couple you'll ever see. "Wow tiger slow down where is the rush?" Jonny says to me. And I look at them with pain in my eyes and they both understand. They took my over to a bench and had me explain what happened. When I was done I had to listen to those two scheme ways to get back at Ian. "Ooo maybe we should lock him in a closet for days until he accepts her!" "Or maybe we could lock him in his house and burn it down for fun!" That's where I drew the line.

"Hey guys," I said and got their attention. "I'm just going to ignore him. Maybe try and get a date to get him jealous or something."

Magen put her hand on my back and said "Your way could work, you never know! But don't let this get in the way of you having fun at your birthday party!"

Oh crud. I forgot about the party.

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