Chapter 3

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The rest of the day at school was hell. I never really knew how much of a man whore Ian was until I was physically and emotionally attached to him. I all started around the end of first period when I got the burning sensation in my torso. The pain was so intense it brought tears to my eyes. I fell from the chair I was sitting in during Maths and curled into a ball on the floor. "Eden! Are you alright?!" Mrs. Kennedy, my Maths teacher asked. To much in pain to reply and too confused to understand what's happening I run from the class room and into the hallway.

As I am running I ram into Magan, she is never in class. "Whoa Eden what's the rush?" My face screws up in pain and I manage to squeak out an 'I don't know'. When Magan finally figured out I'm in pain she drags me over to an empty class room. And just like that the pain was gone. Well isn't that weird. "Okay what the hell happened back there?" I ask Magan. "It was like my body was on fire and getting stepped on my fat man while being sawed in half!"

She thought for a moment then her face darken. "Why that little whore!" She said. "Ian was sleeping with someone else!!!"

No, no he couldn't be that's stupid to think that. It's probably just that taco from two nights ago...

"Yeah because when mates find each other they become attached so you can, we'll tell when he's cheating on you."

Well that's just freaking fantastic.


The bass was blasting. It almost made the walls vibrate. And it really made me not want to go out to my own party. That's right Alli and I went for the club theme for our party. You know the classic mix and mingle. The only problem is, I don't want to go. Why? Well Ian cheated 15 times today. 15! Why do I have to have him as a mate?! What did I do wrong? It doesn't help what the one who was with him was my sister! Who I probably would have complained to but not am not talking to her. I'm just glad my parents are on a 'date' *shudder*.

As I was questioning myself with questions I could never answer Magan walked into my room. "Hey why are you out there having fun?!" She basically shouts. Yeah some ones drunk.

"Nah I don't really want to."

"Come on 5 minutes!"

"No I really don't want to-"

"5 minutes!"

I sigh, when she gets like this there is no talking her out of anything she wants or wanting to do... Which is why she has a tattoo on her butt of an eyeball. Don't ask it's easier that way.

"Okay I'll go to the stupid party."

I walk out of my room and the bass just gets louder. Can anyone hear headache? I know I can't because the BASS IS TO FREAKING LOUD! I continue down the hall way with my drunk best friend leading the way. What did I ever think this was a good idea?

When I hit the stairs the smell hits me. What smell? The smell of human perspiration, cheap perfume, and of course alcohol. The smell was overwhelming, and I looked at Magan. " Do I have to?" I ask her.

She nods at me. " You promised me 5 minutes!" And with that she strolls away swaying her hips.

I slowly make my way down the stairs it the the smelly crowd. When I make it down I am circled around by a huge bunch of strangers. And they all start singing happy birthday, really loud I may add. When they finish I say thanks, to be polite, and slowly start to walk up my stairs to my room. I have started to feel an intense pain, stronger than when Ian was cheating on me. I start to walk to my room when I hear something behind my door.

I open my door and I see my mate..... And Alli.... You know.... Mating.... ON MY BED!!!! I just stand there in shock and horror. I get he rejected me but he's going to mate with my sister on my bed?!

As I stand there I see Ian reach down and mark Alli, and that's when my world shatters. I scream in pain and fall to the floor. As I do so I see a man do the same as what I just did. I look over through the tears streaming out of my eyes to see that the man was Mark Hendricks, mine and Alli's history teacher, he is pretty young for a teacher. He's 22 I think, either that or he's 21. Now I am just wondering why he is in pain when it hits me, he's Alli's mate!

When I realise that I start to get up from the crumpled position I am in on the ground to ask him if he is, I hear my door creek open even more than it is.

"Oh my god! Where you two watching us?! What weirdos!" I hear my sisters voice screech.

I whip my head around to look at her. "What do you think you just did?"

She looks at me confused and looks up at Ian. "What do you mean? I just marked my mate."

Ian nods. "Yeah, isn't that something you should do? Look for your mate instead of watching us." He smirks.

Why that little jerk...

Who does he think he is?


Yeah so not my best work, sorry super tired and not feeling well. And sorry for not updating a lot, school is stupid and junk like that. So yeah





Once in a blue MoonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora