Chapter 4 part 1

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Authors note: okay guys I'm sorry I haven't been updating. I have been studying and trying to read all of the werewolf books on wattpad. I'm doing this to make sure I don't do stupid things like she leaves then five years later she's all B.A and rides a motor bike or whatever. I'm sick of those types of stories. First one to comment and use chicken in a sentence gets a something! So yep yep yep yep. Sorry it's short


Mr. Hendricks and I where still crumpled on the ground when Ian and Alli left my room skipping, well Alli was skipping. It took me a couple minutes to regain my strength. But when I did I was pissed. Why doesn't he want me? I'm the freaking pack warrior! I storm over to my bed where they just "mated". I hear Mark beginning to get up again. I turn to him. "Can you believe this?!" I ask outraged. He shakes his head. Poor guy probably to shocked to speak.

I look at my bed, yep never sleeping on that. So I go over to my doors that lead to a sitting area out side and open them. I walk back to my "bed" and pull the mattress, sheets, pillows and all off of the bed frame. Carry it to my outside doors. I throw it down the three levels of my house. I look over at Mark. "You coming?" I motion over to the window. He looks at me like I'm crazy, which I probably am right now. "What do you mean?" He finally speaks, with his voice cracking slightly.

I look at him with a blank expression. "Just follow me."

I go into the balcony and sit on the railing, I push off of the rail with my hands and fall down to the ground with the wind flowing threw my hair. When I hit the ground I look back at my window and see the shaking form of Mark. I cup my hands over my mouth and yell to him. "Come on! It isn't as bad as it looks! Come on!"

He looks down once more and then he jumps. When he lands he ends up on his butt. Which I find humorous but since I'm so freaking mad. I walk over to my hollowed out tree, yeah don't ask, and I picked out my favourite lighter. Now I don't smoke but I maybe a bit of a pyromaniac.

I grab my lighter fluid and soak my bed with it. And I goes up in flames. I smile, I wicked twisted smile and I look over at Mark. He looks horrified at what I have done, but I shrug it off, its my bed. I watch it burn and think, I am going to make them pay, I will try my hardest to make their life a living hell, and I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying right here.

And the whole town will go up in flames, my flames of anger.

-------------time passes-------------

I run up to Alli's room after the fire went out and all the stupid drunk people came out of the house, deciding that a pool party would be fun or whatever, sick freaks. When I reach Alli's room I slip in quietly. And then I quickly and calmly destroy her room and take something that is important to her. Something no one in history would have dared to take, something so important it could change people's world and perspective of life... Her diary.

Hee hee hee this one will be good.

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