Chapter 25

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So waking up with morning sickness is pretty damn horrible if you ask me. It's been 2 months and I'm now 9 weeks preggos ok. And well I'm lovin it? I've been craving everything and my hormones are all over the damn place I mean I can't seem to think correctly. And me and Stefan? I don't know. Same for Austin. We've gotten closer like before and I still get those butterflies when he does something cute. I mean it could be the babies but I don't know. My babies are looking to be huge because I mean 9 weeks right?! And I have a little bump. Like agh. I'm so working this off later hahah. Right now I'm with Kat. She came to Miami! She surprised visited me and was surprised when she saw my little baby bump. She had her baby and she was now rocking it with her baby daddy who grew up and stuck around to raise his child. They had a beautiful baby girl! Her name was Analise. Pretty right? She had beautiful brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. I could tell she'd be an extremely gorgeous girl growing up.

"So... Who knew me and you would get pregnant so young... BOTH OF US. Like..." She said while jace, her baby daddy, put Analise to sleep in the other room.

"I know right. Like I imagines us, staying in high school with no drama, then going to college partying up, and then travel the world us two besties, the get jobs, settle down, and then get married and have kids and live happily ever after." I said honestly.

"Well, we can still have most of that, just with kids." She said and I nodded.

"So you and Stefan? And austin? What's the deal with that?" She said and I shrugged. I honestly don't know.

"Well yesterday Austin was over and we were just hanging out and we almost kissed." I said and she squealed.

"Oh my gosh! You didn't though?!" She said and I shook my head.

"It didn't feel right. I'm carrying another mans babies and kissing another guy? Like I don't know I don't like that." I said and she nodded understandingly.

"Anything else happen?" And I nodded.

"What?!" She screamed in a low voice. Same old Kat.

"Well remember back in Chicago when Austin gave me that beautiful infinity ring?" I said and she nodded here eyes getting wide.

"Well right after the almost kiss he began to leave and he left out the door without saying anything and it dropped out of his pocket." I said and went to grab it from the counter where I had left it.

"Oh em gee! I'm totally fangirling right now ok. He still likes you! Maybe even loves! Like oh em gee!" She said bouncing up and down and I chuckled. She then stopped and got serious.

"Now. Stefan, what about the baby daddy?" She said and I shrugged i didn't know either.

"Stefan.... Well he's, stefan. He i don't know. He cares about me, greatly. He told me. He was so upfront the other night and he started crying and stuff." I said and her eyes got big.

"CRYING?I TELL. ME. NOW." She basically screamed trying not to wake the baby.

"Well....." I began.

! Three nights ago !

"Natalie....." Stefan said in a strained voice. He had made an amazing dinner for me earlier and now we sat on the couch watching a movie. It was quite sad.

"Mhm?" I said and he sighed frustrated.

"What's wrong?" I said concerned. Was he leaving me?

"Baby i-" He began then stopped.

"I I'm going into the army." He said and my heart stopped. Not literally but it felt like it.

"What- why?" I said and he looked at me with tears in the brink of his eyes.

"Before we met me and my family we're going through rough shit about me and my future. I said I'd do what my role model did. He went into the army. My dad. So I signed up and they pulled me. I leave tomorrow. I'm so sorry Natalie! I didn't think they'd pull me after you got pregnant but there's no going back." He said with regret and sorrow.

"What if you're not here when the babies come?" I said wit tears falling from my eyes.

"Stefan! I'm gonna need you more than anything!" I said and he looked down to the ground with sad eyes.

"I'll be back before you know it." He said and I looked at him warily. For his dad? I hadn't heard much about him and I knew this was serious for him.

"Stefan.... You're the dad. You have to go through everything. Don't you wanna be there when we find out the sex? Or when we choose clothes or anything?!" I said and he looked at me with this look that made me regret anything.

"Natalie! Do you think I don't care for the babies?! You think It doesn't hurt when I see you still love Austin when I'm so in love with you that it hurts just to see you because I know, I know! That you'll never love me the way you love Austin! Even if you're carrying my babies or not." He said and I was just shocked.

"You don't know that...." I whispered just loud enough for him to hear.

"But I do! You're the only girl, who I've ever loved. Who I will always love. I'm doing this for the both of us. For my dad, me, and you and Austin. My babies will always be safe with you guys ok. Our babies." He said and I started to cry.

"This isn't good you know? You crying. Don't stress. Natalie, I love you. Okay." He said and I cried even harder.

"But I do love you." I said and he shook his head.

"If you do, you'll trust me, and let me go. Just try and work things with Austin. I'll understand when I come back. Don't stress over me. I love you and the babies so much, ok?" He said with so much love in his eyes it was almost hard to believe that this, this guy who was just a player turned out to be one of the sweetest loving caring guys ever.

"I love you, stefan." II said and he nodded. He came real close and was right in front of my face. I had stopped crying and he wiped my tears on my cheeks away and smiled. He looked down to my belly then to me and I nodded telling him it was okay to touch. I lifted my shirt and he got to my little baby bump.

"Hey there babies. It's daddy. I just wanted to tell you guys I love you so much okay. I'll be back for you guys. And if I'm not here, Austin and mommy will take real good care of you ok? You be good to mommy and everyone else. Don't cause to much trouble like daddy did before ok? I will always love you guys." He said and added more getting closer to my belly, "I" he said then kissed my belly, "love" another kiss, "you" another kiss. And I began to cry. He was so amazing.

"Ste-Stefan... Do you have too?" I said and he nodded and got to my face level.

"I got this for you." He said and pulled out a rectangular box. He opened it and in there was one of the most gorgeous charm bracelets.

"Every charm represents something, and everything we've been through and it's your job to figure it out." He said and I nodded speechless with slow years coming out. He looked me into the eyes and smiled softly with teary eyes. He looked at my lips and I looked at his. He put his hand around my neck and pulled me in and kissed me. He kissed me with need, love, and desperation. So compassionately I felt those sparks as he kissed me. More this time then ever in my life. I felt alive. I kissed with everything I had and put my arms around his neck. We pulled away breathless and sighed.

"I love you baby." He said and with that he took the bracelet and put it on my arm before kissing my hand. He got up and began walking to the door. Right before he was out of my sight he stopped and turned around and looked at me.

"We love you to baby." I said and he let one tear go as he turned around and walked away.

! present day !

"I cried and cried and cried that night...." I said and tasted some salty water on my lips. I touched my lips and my face and I hadn't realized I was crying. Kat just looking at me like a lost puppy.

"He's so amazing..." She said and I nodded.

"Oh em gee!" She said.

"He's gone. But he's gone for the right reason. And I couldn't be any prouder." I said with pride. I cried when I knew he left and cried. But he did what he wanted and for everything and everyone.

"He's a hero. Well he's gonna be." She said with dreamy big eyes.

"He is a hero. He's my hero." I said.


NOW MORE AUSTIN(; hahahhah. And I know I'm late but I've had summer school and I've been busy but it's over now! Yayayayay! More updates so soon! I love yall!

VOTE- bc it makes me happy and ill update faster
COMMENT- bc it makes me happy to know what you guys think and shiz like that.



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