Chapter 8)

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____Austin's P.O.V___

I was the first to wake but, I didn't mind. Natalie was sleeping one my chest and all I did was play with her hair. She was so sweet, pretty, gorgeous, how did I get so lucky. I've never felt this way about someone before I just loved her so much. I never want to lose her. She started waking up.

"Austin?" she said in a morning voice. Damn that was sexy.

"Mhmmm" I said back to her.

"I love you." she said making me chuckle I just pulled her tighter feeling her body against mine, I never wanted to let go.

"I love you way more!" I said

"uhhh yeah right!"

"okay Natalie, I love you so much that words could not describe how much I love You! The only word that could possibly fit is INFINITY!" I said emphasizing infinity. She climbed on top of me and smiled,

"Really?" she said leaning towards me.

"really, really." I said rubbing her cheek, she kept leaning in and our lips met, sparks flew everywhere, it went from a kiss to a make-out session our hands moved everywhere, deepening the kiss until we finally pulled away. We didn't want to but we did. She rolled to the nightstand on the side of the bed and picked up her phone she checked what time it was.

"it's 8:02 we should do something to Kat and the guys!" she said making me laugh cause that was the type of girl I wanted one that had a great sense of humor. Ahhhh I loved her.

"hahah yeah but what?" I said sitting up on the bed. She got up too she grabbed her bag and walked to the bathroom.

"I don't know you figure it out, something funny!" She said Right before she closed the door. Hmm what could we do... I had nothing. Maybe we could scare them like pretend theirs a ghost in the house.. Ughhh I honestly don't know. Next thing I know I heard say somethin come on and realized it was Natalie's phone I smiled, it was cute that she had her phone ringtone as say somethin. I looked at it and it said "Logan<3" it made me mad that it had a heart but it was her brother. Right? She would never lie to me. I don't know what I'm saying I love her she loves me and no one else. It's her brother! Next thing I know she comes out in a red  

t-shirt with white shorts and bright blue socks.

"hey did you figure something out?" she said with a smirk on her face.

"Nahhh I was thinking maybe we should do something nice like make a breakfast for them ya know I would like to make a breakfast with you me plus you plus kitchen equals yum!"

"Hahaha Oh My Gosh your to cute and sweet wanting to make breakfast for them. This is why I love you!" she said pinching my cheeks softly like I was a little baby.

"oh and you got a call from Logan..." i said "with a heart" I mumbled hoping she didn't hear me but she did.

"oh my jeez, Austin he's my brother of course I love him that's why theres a heart" she said reassuring me that he was her brother making me happy.

"Mkay, I'm sorry it's just I don't know I just can't believe someone like you is with me."

___Natalie's P.O.V___

I can't believe Austin just said that like really I can't believe i'm with someone like him, he's the sweetest guy ever I have no idea why he would think that.

"Austin Carter Mahone I never ever want to hear you say that! Okay!? If anyone should feel that way it should be me!" I told him with my arms around his neck.

"okay." he said looking me in the eyes. We kissed and like always there were sparks everywhere. We pulled away and got up and walked out the door and into the kitchen and saw there was nothing to make for breakfast so we decided to make cereal but just for us two since I'm pretty sure they can make theyre own cereal. Austin took a pic of the cereal and put it on instagram and the caption said "eatin Cereal with my lady;)" he tagged me in it. My phone buzzed and I just laughed. I took a pic of my cereal and posted it too but mine said "eatin cereal with my man ya know what I mean:)" I tagged him in it he looked at me and we both laughed. We watched spongebob till 10 when everyone woke up.

"YOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Kat came out yelling landing on the couch. We all started bursting out laughing. Everyone got their cereal and sat down and we started watching Disney channel. Then it was 12:00 and at 1:00 austin had a radio interview and we were all going. We all got ready but was already ready I just needed to put on my make up and do my hair. I put it in a fishtail and Kat wore the same thing as me but with a purple tank and white shorts. We both wore our white vans. Then Dave and Michelle told us it was time to go. We all got in the car and started jammin out to Justin Bieber and flo rida's me song whistle. We finally reached the place and it was swarming with mahomies. Austin grabbed my hand and Dave was in front of home leading the way with Austin pulling me after him.

"Babe I have to go take the interview stay here." he told me I stood there with the rest of them. "I'll miss you" he said which made me laugh a little.

"Austin I'll be like right across the room from you. You'll still be able to see me." I told him he just smiled and hugged me.

"I love you" he said I just nodded and he left to the small stage. He tweeted to his fans telling them it'd be on ustream and they could ask questions. Then the interview started and I just watched him sing in the beginning then answer some questions.

"so some of the fans are asking if you single. Are you?" the interviewer asked catching my attention. Austin looked back at me.

"well I'm not single, I have the best girlfriend in the world who is sitting back there." he said pointing at me, making me blush.

"Oh what a looker!" the interviewer said nudging Austin making me chuckle.

"okay well of you don't mind asking what do you look for in a girl?" the interviewer said to Austin.

"well see I've been asked that so many times and that girl over there" he said pointing to me, " is the one I've been describing and waiting for. So if you wanna know what I look for in a girl get to know her." Austin said smiling making me smile and blush everyone looked at me.

"well If this is the girl we should bring her up here, shouldn't we?" the interviewer said making the group of girls cheer. The security guards came and pulls ,e onto the stage. Austin kissed my cheek and we sat down.

"so what's your name?" the interviewer said.

"Natalie" I said

"so what do you do, do you have any hobbies? Tell us about yourself?"

"Okay so I'm from Chicago and I moved to Miami for my dads new job. Umm I love to watch basketball not play, but I love to play soccer and volleyball." I said smiling.

"oh so you don't play basketball just a fan?"

"Yeah, I'm not any good."

"she is" Austin said making me nudge him.

"so how'd you meet?" the interviewer had said.

"well umm I was in the airport and bumped into Austin and well we accidentally grabbed each others phones and we planned on exchanging phones but when we met up he forgot the phone so we ended up hanging out and so forth" I said to the interviewer.

"well just to clarify I forgot her phone...... On purpose" he said making me smile.

"hahah okay well we have time for one more song." the Interviewer said.

Everyone awwwed... I just walked down and Kat looked at me and smiled and gave me two thumbs up I did it back. Then Austin sang 11:11. And all I could do was stare at him singing it made me realize he made me soo happy I never want to lose him. We left and decided to go to the mall and we all shopped together some mahomies got pictures with Austin and the crew and surprisingly some wanted to get a pic with me. We walked to the food court and Austin accidentally bumped into somebody.

"Hey watch it!" the guy said turning around. Making me zone out knowing who he is. My ex. Jacob. Ugh I hate him.

"Natalie?" he said.


Whats gonna happen?;)

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