Chapter 10

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(Your P.O.V)

"SEBBY!" I screamed tears streaming down my face as I watched my mother whip my brother with no remorse on her face at all. I reached out trying to reach him but my stomach and how far they where away wouldn't allow. Sitting against the cage bars I put my face in my hands sobbing.

"Now, now my dear daughter you gotta watch your brother so you know not to make the wrong move so you won't get hurt like this." My mom said and it took me to a flash back of when we where little.


"Sebby! Sebby! Look what I found!" I called out in a small five year old girl voice as my ten year old brother came running up to me.

"What is it?" He asked kneeling down next to me.

"Look it's a pretty big that's red and has dots!" I said showing him the tiny bugs in my hand.

"That's a lady bug." He laughed and hugged me.

"Does that mean they are all ladies?" I asked looking up at him.

"No that's just what they are called." He said ruffling my hair. "Come on I'll show you more of the human world before we have to go back home."

"Ok!" I yelled smiling as I jumped on his back wrapping my tiny arms round his neck and legs round waist as he carried me. He had pointed out different things like the ocean and different types of flowers like roses, violets, orchids, and tulips. He even showed me human food.

"Sebby why don't we crave human food?" I asked looking down at the plate of strawberries before me. "I mean it's good so why don't we crave it?"

"Cause we are demons it's just what we do." He said trying to give me and answer he wasn't sure of himself.

"So demons have souls?" I asked looking up at him.

"I don't know maybe that's why we crave souls because we don't have one." He said and kissed my head gently.

"Sebby, I love you thank you for taking me out today and showing me the human world despite what everyone says and all the bad stuff it really is beautiful." I said and hugged him.

"I love you too (Y/N) and I'm glad you like the human world cause I like it to it's a nice escape once in a while." He said hugging me back.

"And what do you two think you are doing?" Someone said behind us. I almost screamed my plate of strawberries falling to the ground as it shattered

"Mom!" Sebby said standing up quickly pulling me up with him. "I thought I'd just show her the human world let her know about it."

I hugged him tight scared as our mom glared down at us with bright pink eyes showing how angered she was. "Get back home now!" She hissed and turned walking away.

"Sebby I'm scared." I whimpered hugging him even tighter.

"I know so am I, but we gotta go or it will be worst." He said and I gripped his arm tightly as we made our way home.

When we got home mom had a whip ready and she had tied Sebby down with his shirt off as she glared down at him cracking the whip she held. I was forced to sit down in a chair and watch if I where to look away I would be whipped as well and Sebby told me to just watch and don't worry about him.

"Now, now my dear daughter you gotta watch your brother so you know not to make the wrong move so you won't get hurt like this." My mom said as she started to whip my brother saying how he was a disgrace to demons by liking the human world and how he shouldn't disgrace me like that."

Flashback Over

Despite how it ended that day was one of the best day of my life. I was able to spend it all day with my big brother the one who always protected me the one who took countless whipping just so I would be spared from being hurt.

I gripped the cage bars and screamed in frustration and agony. "Stop hurting my big brother!" I screamed at my brother and she flew back into a wall leaving a huge dent.

She started laughing like a maniac like joker in batman almost but mixed with a witch laugh. "Oh this is great! Now I don't have to try and figure out if you have his powers cause you obviously do." She stood up and walked over to me kneeling before me grabbing my face in her hands.

"Who's powers?" I asked staring at her in hate and confusion

"Your real fathers." she said

Sebastian's Sister's Daughter (Book 2 of Sebastian's Sister)Where stories live. Discover now