Chapter 16

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Rose's P.O.V

I wanted to scream in pain, the heat from the portal was burning my skin way more than Subaru had said it would. Finally when the fall ended I basically shot out of the portal and stumbled falling right into someone's chest who wrapped his arms around me tightly. Looking up I saw that it was Subaru who was smiling at me, "Oh sorry I didn't mean to fall into you." I said blushing standing up straighter but he still kept his arms around me.

"It's fine I don't mind catching you, any time you fall I'll be there to catch you." Subaru said leaning closer to me.

Leaning up our lips barely touched when Grell came through the portal and ran into both of us sending all three of us to the ground. "Ow! Ow! OW!!!" Grell screeched as he got up and ran around holding his forehead in pain.

"Damnit he hit his head on mine." Subaru grumbled as he sat up rubbing his head where a now red spot was forming.

"What is going on here?" My dad asked coming through the portal next who seemed to be the only one who wasn't thrown out of it. But who am I kidding my father is never ungraceful, I've seen mom kick him down the stairs for pissing her off while shes pregnant might I add and he still landed on his feet gracefully. Uncle Sebby said that with time I'll be as graceful as father and mother when I train more to keep my body in check when I'm flying through the air.

"I got thrown out of the portal and ran into Rose and Subaru and I hit my head on Subaru's!!!!! It hurts!!!" Grell cried as he ran to my dad and hugged him crying, and my dad just kind of rolled his eyes and pushed of Grell with his finger causing Grell to fall on his back.

"I think I missed something." My Aunt said as she came through the portal next standing next to my dad who just shrugged and walked over to me helping me back up.

"You just missed Grell being stupid again." My dad said as he put an arm around my shoulder protectively.

"Well now that everyone is here," Subaru said as he got up and brushed himself off, "Your Uncle Sebastion shouldn't be to far away, since we all ended up in the same place we all did the right thing. Now if I'm correct your Uncle shouldn't be to far maybe an hours walk at most."

"How do we know we would be going the right way?" My Aunt asked as she walked up to stand next to me.

"Because of this," Subaru said holding up a smaller version of the map of hell, "I have to come down here sometimes to take names of any new children that are born down here so that I can keep track of them as well. So I need to be able to find where I'm going hence the smaller map."

"Alright map man lead us to were we need to go so that I can find my husband." Aunt Sapphire said as she had already started walking forward.

"Well if you are going to follow me maybe you should be going the right way." Subaru said slightly smirking as he turned to the left and started walking in that direction.

"I knew that." Aunty said and stuck her tongue out at his back and walked back over to me leaning down and whispering to me, "I swear if you end up with him I get to throw him off the room at least once."

"Who said I was gonna end up with him?" I asked whispering back a blush spreading across my cheeks.

"Oh its obvious you two are in love with each other with the whole almost always being right next to each other, you two can't keep your eyes off of each other for very long, plus who wouldn't fall for you, you are an amazing girl and demon he'd be lucky to have you." Aunty said smiling and kissing my head.

Blushing I just kind of rolled my eyes and kept walking but her words kept playing through my mind making me wonder whether or not she was right that maybe we would end up together. I don't know if I would say I loved him yet cause I don't believe I actually love him yet, maybe a small crush or big crush for now but not love.

An hour later of walking and Grell whining about how much pain he was in we finally walked up to a house with a black roof and dark oak wood for the walls with very few windows. "Are you sure this is the house?" Aunty asked as she stopped walking and just stared at it.

"Yes I'm sure this is where your Uncle is." Subaru said as he started making his walk around the house to the back where there was something that looked to be a barn.

Running to the barn my Aunt threw open the doors and I heard her make a small scream out of fear and slight relief as she ran inside. Soon the rest of us were in the barn to find my Uncle passed out on the floor with cuts in his body from what seemed to be from whipping.

"Oh my god Uncle Sebby!" I gasped in surprise and kneeled next to him and hugged him to were I wouldn't be hurting him.

"If you think this is bad you should see what their mother is going to do to her daughter." A deep voice said as we all turned around and saw Uncle's and mom's dad standing in the doorway with a face of regret.

"She's gonna kill her isn't she?" I asked tears coming to my eyes.

"Worse she's gonna eat her heart and take her powers from her after she proves to Satan that, that is his blood daughter and makes them both suffer a torture that no one has ever seen." He said walking forward to us.

Sebastian's Sister's Daughter (Book 2 of Sebastian's Sister)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora