Im sorry

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Guys this has probably taken me the longest time to update this book and I'm sorry but right now I'm suffering with hard core depression and I know I must sound like that's an excuse but I have certain times my depression is worst then others and this is one of those times um anyway I'll try to get the next chapter out in a week? Does that sound fair? I'll try to pull myself together for it. Now as for my Harry Potter series books I haven't updated that in forever now let me explain why and I'll probably put that in the book to explain but I used a specific website for the books and that because it had captions of course I still fucked up spelling but anyway the sight I'd been using was shut down so now I've been searching forever to find a place but they all want me to sign up and I don't wanna do that because of my own personal reasons so if anyone has any suggestions for a site that can give me the Harry Potter movies with captions (in english) I would love you forever. And again I'm sorry but my depression and stress prevent me from being able to write and think so I'll try to pull myself together for writing a chapter for you guys I'm sorry I know it sounds like an excuse but it's not I blame myself completely for failing you guys and I'm sorry. I also hope you all had a great spring break I worked for mine...

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