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The eerie silver glow of the machine reflected on the face of the scientist,as he wore a triumphant smile,admiring his work.His invention.His brainchild.The time-travelling machine.The famous fantasy of travelling through time was soon to turn into a full-fledged reality.His smile widened in self-satisfaction.He had completed half of the function..that is,he could send an individual through to the future.But only one thing remained.Bringing that person back to the present time.When this function would be complete,he would take it to the king,and he knew the glamours that would follow.Just around a month more and the time travelling machine would be ready to use..But now he needed to work even more carefully,making sure that no one came near it.Otherwise if anybody was sent through now,he would not be able to bring them back.


Piya Jaiswal stood at the window of her room,her baby brown eyes reflecting the light of the moon.It was quite cold outside,the result of a thundershower,but it was nothing compared to the cold emptiness killing her from inside.Her mind was still on the fight that had taken place a few hours ago over dinner.Of course,these fights were nothing new,they had been occurring ever since she had put her foot into the Jaiswal House at the age of seven,after her mother's death.But today by far had been the worse.She recalled the words clearly,as though someone had ingrained the words into her brain.

Madhu saying.."What else do u expect from a daughter who's illegitimate?Whose mother has an affair with a married man,and then dies,leaving this burden behind.?"

Piya squeezed her eyes tight shut,feeling as though somebody was suffocating her,squeezing her chest tight so that she could no longer breathe.But what had hurt most ways Arnab's reaction.He had stayed quiet,no uttering a word to defend Sugandh or Piya.It was this rejection,this realization that she had no one to turn to,that her hit her hardest.If this was what life was going to be,she didn't want to live.She wanted to be loved and wanted,not an unnecessary burden. Piya bit her lower lips and touched her mother's necklace hanging around her neck as more tears fell down her cheek.Now she understood what her mother must have faced all the years before she had died,how much she had shielded her,Piya,from.Suddenly,Piya wanted nothing more than to see her mother again,here her soft melodious voice.

"Mumma"Piya whispered in a shaky voice."I want to meet u.Where r u?"She took in a deep shuddering breath,as her mind slowly shaped a decision.She had struggled all these years to laugh and live,but she had no more strength in her to fight.Moreover,who would want her here?An illegitimate child?It was better she went where her mother had gone,in the land of the stars.Yes,she thought,a smile forming through her tears.She would join her mother...


The moon's graceful glow must have dimmed,compared to the beautiful Princess of Pandher,Maithili,who stood near the lake,dressed in a midnight blue gown,her dark deep eyes reflecting the calm waters of the lake.Soon a pair of muscular hands wrapped her around the waist from behind and she smiled,leaning back to rest against that familiar,muscular,comforting body of the man she loved.

"Abhayendra"her voice was softer than a whisper."I've been waiting."

Abhayendra smiled,his ice-blue hypnotic eyes,hungrily drinking in his lady love's beauty.

"Sorry to have kept u waiting,my princess"he murmured,his voice gentle and husky."But these days,Father stays awake for a longer time.He is doing some project again.Looks like something important.Otherwise he always talks about it to me.So I was thinking of sneaking into the working chambers to see what is this very important project he is working upon."

"Abhayendra!"Maithili said in a mock stern tone,turning to look at him,at his handsome face,that strong jaw,hardened cheekbones,those hypnotic eyes now shining with mischief."Spying is a crime."

Abhayendra smiled,flashing his cute dimples,making Maithili go weak in the knees."Am I going to be thrown into the dungeons if I do that,princess?"

"That you are."said Maithili lovingly,lightly touching his nose with her index finger."U stole my heart,and so u will be charged for stealing as well."

Abhayendra's smile widened,as he pulled Maithili closer to him and she rested his head on his chest,feeling safe."U can do anything to me.I am ur prisoner from the moment I saw you,Maithili. I love you."

Maithili smiled into his chest,her heart expanding with happiness."I love you too,Abhayendra."The two lovers stood together,wrapped up in each others' love,as the moonlight shone on them in the peaceful night,in those beautiful moments filled with the sweetness of love.In the background,the Pandher palace stood,majestic and royal,lit by thousands of candles and chandeliers..

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