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Piya wondered whether she had really completed the jump from the cliff afterall,and had hit her head really hard on the rocks,not enough to die but enough to hallucinate.That or else she had mistaken the location of Paradise Point and had instead landed straight in a lunatic asylum.She gaped at the boy in front of her,looking confused and an ounce scared as well and frowned.Well,he was good-looking.Cut that,he was really handsome.And most definitely he did NOT look mad.
"Are you mad?"she said in an uncertain and shocked voice,wondering whether he considered himself as some sort of science fiction hero travelling through time.
Abhayendra immediately shook his head,taking a step towards her."No,no,you misunderstand,lady.I most certainly have not lost my head.Look,please listen to me.My father is a scientist.I think he invented a time-travelling machine or something like that and I accidentally travelled through it-"
Piya gaped at him. He most certainly spoke like people did in the olden times,but that wasn't enough to support his absolutely weird statement.Absurd at the most."T-there were no mentions in history about any such machine."Piya told him,her mind still partly in shock."Who do you think u're kidding,huh?"
"Please"said Abhayendra this time desperately."You must believe me.I do not belong here.I am a stable boy,and I work in the Pandher Kingdom.I-I do not know anyting about this world."He looked around desperately.Everything was so alien here.
Piya looked at him,still frowning.Either he was a very good actor,or he was speaking the truth.And Pandher,that rang a bell.Piya had studied about in in ninth grade.She still remembered it because there had been an air of mystery about the kngdom,and also because the ruins of the kingdom lay just in the outskirts of Dehradoon,in a small hilly town called Deoli.How the kingdom had died was still a mystery and though it had been a powerful kingdom during its time,almost two hundred years ago.
"Er-are you trying to act a vampire?"said Piya uncertainly,afterall it wasn't impossible,seeing the recent craze over that Twilight and The Vampire Diaries.
Now it was Abhayendra's turn to gape at her as though she was mad.Were all girls from this century like this."Of course not.How can u even suggest such a thing?"he said appalled.The look on his face was enough to convince Piya that he was not a vampire but she still wasn't sure whether he was a science freak or living History.
"Listen" Abhayendra continued desperately."U have to believe me.I know how strange it all sounds-"Do you?Piya thought."But this is the truth.I have never lied in my life about anything.The reason I thought I knew u was because u look exactly like Princess Maithili"He uttered the last two words with a reverence and respect.
Oh he meant princess Maithili,Piya thought,with a frown.She had already been teased by classmates and told by countless teachers that she was a doppleganger of the princess of Pandher,and her friend,Kabir's father,who was a historian,had once asked whether she was a descendant of the princess or related in any sort,saying that if she indeed was,it would be a great discovery,and his chance at worldwide recognition,as no lineage after Princess Maithili had ever been traced.
But,Piya thought,pulling her mind to the present.Was that enough to believe him.True,he had a name that belonged to the olden days,was dressed like ancient times and also spoke in that manner.Right now he did look as if he spoke the truth.She frowned.Well he did look lost and desperate too,quite obvious if he had landed in a foreign century,she thought with a shudder.Well,she could at least help him.
"Well"she began,"What do you want?"
Abhayendra's face broke into a grateful smile."Thank you so much lady-"
"Er, you can call me by my name.Piya."
"Piya"repeated Abhayendra rather hesitatingly."My name is Abhayendra"he added with a little bow.
"Er"said Piya."Well,I don't think anybody from this century has such a long name.I will call you Abhay,if you don't mind."
Abhayendra looked at her."Abhay?Not Abhayendra?"
"Not Abhayendra"said Piya with a slight smile."Just Abhay.Now listen,I have to think of a place for you to stay.Not at my house obviously-"
"Of course not!"said Abhay quickly."How can I stay with u at ur house?And we r not even married!"
Piya couldn't helpa little smile that formed on her lips.His thinking was indeed different from this world.Just then,the perfect place came to her mind."U can stay at my mother's cottage."she said."Don't worry,nobody lives there and u will be safe."she added looking at his worried face."And I'll come to visit u."
"I'll be able to get back,won't I?"Abhay asked worriedly.
Piya sighed."I'll help as much as I can,I promise."She sighed again,wondering what she had gotten herself into.She touched the pocket of her jeans.She always kept the cottage key and the photo of her mother with her wherever she went.These were the only two things that she had of her mother.That,and the cottage.She sometimes went there when she felt down or low.
"Come on"she spoke now."Let's go."
"Good morning Princess"said Siddharth with a slight bow as he passed Maithili.
"Good Morning Siddharth"said Maithili with a smile."Earlier than usual I see."
"The King's orders"said Siddharth with a smile,careful not to make eye contact.This was forbidden."I heard visitors of the Kingdom are coming."
Maithili nodded,smiling."They indeed are."
Siddharth looked around to make sure nobody was watching and then raised his eyes to meet Maithili's.God,she looked so,so beautiful,he thought resenting the fact that this beauty had chosen his brother.But that will change soon,Siddharth thought determinedly,as he opened his mouth and spoke in a low voice."Princess,I do not think my brother will meet u at the stables today."
Maithili sighed."I know that.Father will not allow me to step out today,since I have to be by his side when the visitors come."She smiled her soft smile."But at midnight-"
"Pardon me for interrupting princess"Siddharth spoke quickly."But I don't think that will be possible either.My brother is ill with fever."
Maithili's face immediately clouded with worry."Abhayendra-ill?But-but he was fine when I met him at midnight-"
"Now,Princess"spoke Siddharth."You know how my little brother is.Remember the last time he had fever.We wouldn't even have known if he hadn't fainted at the stables.His forehead was burning when he came back today."
"Oh dear"said Maithili,anxiously."I so wish to meet him.But it won't be possible to visit his house,protection will be increased by Father as visitors are coming."She felt tears in her eyes."Why did he not inform me when we met?I feel so bad for keeping him out of doors so late at night.."
"Princess,don't get so worried."Siddharth said,clenching his hands at seeing tears in her eyes for his brother."I shall bring daily news for the few days the visitors are here.As soon as he gets well,he will meet u then.Trust me,princess.I shall take care of him.Now I must go to the King.Allow me."
He retreated with a bow,feeling triumphant.All plans in action.
Maithili bit her lips.Oh Abhayendra,I hope u are fine,she thought worriedly.Now my heart will never rest till I see u again.
Just then Nandini,one of the maidens who stayed with her,came up.
"Princess,"she spoke."The queen desires to see u.She wants u to get ready to greet the visitors."
Maithili sighed,praying silently that her love was fine.She nodded at Nandini."Let us go."
Kabir Rathod was doing his daily jogging around Paradise Park,on a path that took him through Paradise Road,beside Paradise Point.Just then he caught sight of his friend Piya,standing with a boy.Kabir halted in his tracks and blinked.Piya?With a boy?At this hour?In Paradise Point?He frowned as he looked at the boy.He was dressed so weirdly, he thought.Kabir was certain he had never seen him before,but yet he looked familiar.Kabir frowned,starting to approach them.Just then his cellphone rang,and he turned his head to take out his cellphone from the pockets of his track pants.As he looked back at thespot he saw they were not there.As he spoke,he looked around his mind still on the two he had seen.But he could see them no longer."What the hell"he murmured,as he cut the call."Who the hell was that boy?"he felt slightly angry;he had had a crush on Piya ever since he had first seen her and Piya always treated him just as a friend.And now she was with this boy,at Paradise Point?He frowned
"I'll have to ask Piya who this weird guy is."

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