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Abhay merely stared back at Piya,not finding words to speak. He opened his mouth, gulped, closed it again and gaped at her. He seemed to have fallen short of words. He finally looked away from Piya, still not saying anything, and tried to ignore the sudden lump that was forming in his throat.
"Abhay?" Piya called worriedly, feeling worried at his reaction, or rather, no reaction. She hesistantly reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder, shaking him gently. "A-Abhay?"
"Ruined?" Abhay spoke finally in a far-off, distant voice and the hollowess in his voice scared Piya. "Of course-I should have known'this is the future'time will snatch away everything'how did I not'"
"Abhay, please'"said Piya in a gentle voice, tightening her grip on her shoulders. "I-I'm sorry Abhay,sorry'"
Abhay looked at her, his blue eyes sad and pained."Don't be sorry Piya. No one controls time."
Piya really did not know what to say. Abhay had shaken her hand off her shoulder and he moved away towards the window. Piya stood up and went to stand behind him, wishing that she could comfort him, but feeling helpless, as she did not know how.
Abhay was speaking again. "Do you know, Piya, nothing has ever defeated time?"he said sounding a little weird. "I always knew it, Father shouldn't have played with Time'now it will take away everything defying its rule'see how things disappear? You should have seen Pandher Piya, so beautiful and grand, so many parties, festivals, so many people, palaces, fields, homes, horses, everything about Pandher is royal. And Maithili'"his voice trailed off as he turned around to look at Piya, who was looking at him in pain. His eyes were suddenly over-bright with unshed tears. 'Why is time ruthless, Piya?"
Piya did not know what to say. She couldn't see him in pain anymore. She reached out and flung her arms around him, wishing that she could absorb all his pain. Although Abhay did not hug her back, he did't pull away either, trying to draw some comfort from the hug. "I'm sorry, so sorry, Abhay."Piya whispered, her voice half-choked with tears. "I'm sorry u have to go through all this. I wish there was some way I could lessen ur pain, Abhay,make it go away. I'"
"Will u take me there Piya?" Abhay interrupted her in a stranely calm voice." If its possible?Where the r-ruins are?"
Piya pulled away, gazing at him in shock and surprise. The raw pain in his eyes were unmistakeable. Piya looked away from him. "B-But Abhay'U, U don't have to g-go there'"
Abhay gently put a finger under her chin and turned her face around gently so that her eyes met his deep blue ones. "I want to go Piya. Please?"
Piya almost lost herself in those deep eyes. She stared at him for a long time. Would it be right to take him to the ruins of the very place he had grown up in, and fact, a place whichi in fact very much existed in his time. But then she realize something, the decision was not hers to make. She nodded. "Yes, Abhay. I'll take u there next week. The college will be closed for the Dehradoon Annual Festival for a week and we can go then. Okay?"
Abhay gave her a small smile and nodded. "Thank you, Piya. That means a lot. It really does."
Johan stared at the blinking yellow light in his machine, trying to count the number of times it blinked. The number of times it blinked would tell him how many years Abhayendra had travelled . His eyes were widening with each time it blinked. One-hundred and fifty-four, one hundred and fifty-five'..
Johan couldn't believe it as he counted. Was the machine malfunctioning. How could Abhayendra travel so many years into the future??? He had not guaranteed more than sixty with the machine he had designed. And he had designed it in such a way that the person would travel towards a time with which he had a connection, so that it was easier to trace that person in case he or she got lost..
One-hundred and seventy seven, one hundred and seventy-eight..
How could a person have a connection so far ahead of his time?Had he designed the machine and its workings in a wrong way? Fear gripped him as he realized the enormity of what could happen if that was the case. He could only hope that his dearest son was safe, wherever he was. Trapped in a foreign world with no idea about where he could be'
One hundred and ninety-nine, two hundred'..The yellow light stopped blinking suddenly. Johan gaped at the machine, stunned. Abhayendra had travelled 200 years? T.W.O H.U.N.D.R.E.D years? 2012? But how--? "I don't understand'"Johan murmured, sinking his face into his hands. "What connection could Abhayendra have in 2012? Any descendant? Or'what?"
Siddharth grinned triumphantly as he hid behind the rocks. At last, at last, he had seen where his father had slipped it, in the narrow crevice between two rocks. So this was the opening to his secret place. Siddharth's smile widened. It was quite clever, he had to admit. No one would ever suspect the location. Siddharth laughed suddenly. "I have found the place at last. My first step, little brother, to make sure you never show ur face again." His grin turned to a spiteful sneer. Time for STEP2.
Princess Maithili had a polite smile on her face as she greeted the Prince Akhilesh, the heir to the throne of the Shah kingdom. The royal family were here for a three day visit, and Maithili understood why her father had invited them to their palace. Of course, he would be looking for suitors for her. But Maithili knew that ultimately, she would have to come out in the open about her and Abhayendra. How long would they stay hidden? She knew there would be a lot of consequences but when love strikes, all reasons bow down to the law of love. She wished she could see Abhayendra now, she thought, as she felt restless. She didn't know why, but she felt uneasy She would rather ride horses, laughing and carefree with Abhayendra, where it was just the two of them, than sit here with a fake smile plastered on her face, listening to the state of the kingdoms and words which she knew, were merely superficial.
"Where are u lost, Princess?"
Maithili looked up with a start to find Akhilesh standing in front of her, a polite smile on his face.
Maithili immediately stood up. "Pardon me for not paying attention, Prince Akhilesh. " she spoke. "I should not have'"
"It is all right, young Princess" said Prince Akhilesh, looking understanding. "I was wondering whether you could kindly show me around your palace? I have taken the King's permission regarding this, of course", he said bowing slightly.
I wish you were here Abhayendra, Maithili thought sadly. She put up a smile. "Of course, Prince. It will be a great pleasure. Pray come with me."
"Piyaaa" MIsha yelled, barging into her room. "Are u gonna tell me where the hell u've been all day? First u sneak out before everyone wakes up, and then u don't talk properly when I call. What's up, Dude?"
Piya, who had just returned and freshened up looked up as Misha finished speaking. "I'm sorry, Mish, I was sort of busy today'"
"What the hell r u sooo busy about, huh?" said Misha, looking annoyed. "Kabir called me up to tell about the party'u know about the party right?"Piya nodded and Misha continued. "Anyways, he told me, that u looked a lil lost and u met a long lost friend?"she ended her eyes, narrowed.
Piya nodded. "I did, Mish, and no, u don't know him" she added as Misha opened her mouth again. "U know we didn't go to the same school, Mish, so of course u wouldn't know all my classmates."
"Why didn't u tell me over the phone?" Misha demanded.
Piya sighed. "Mish, look, I was a little busy back then. And it's not like u won't meet him. Kabir's asked me to bring him to the party with me. His name's Abhay, and Kabir's hell-bent on meeting him."
"Of course he does" said Misha, with a laugh. "He fancies u, yaar."
"He's a friend for me" said Piya firmly. "And a friend he'll always remain."
Misha squeezed Piya's hand gently with a smile. "I know that, sis. But u can't control what people feel, can u?"
Piya smiled and squeezed her hand back. "I know that."
"But why didn't u tell that this Abhay was coming Piya?"
"I had no idea I was meeting him, honestly." Said Piya. It was true. She had never even imagined it in her dreams. "And listen Mish, U know I have my extra creative writing class tomorrow. So u don't have to wait for me to go to the party. No listen" she continued as Misha opened her mouth to argue. "I know how much u love parties and all. So u go. I'll come later. Okay? And I need to pick up Abhay as well. He doesn't know where Kabir's home is."
"Fine" said Misha looking grumpy. "I'll go before. But what is the use of these writing classes, huh? You won't even give me the pleasure of reading published stories of my sister!!"
Piya gave her a small smile. "I do love to write Mish, but you know that's not enough. There are much better writers out there. I don't thing anyone will publish'"
"Don't kid urself, yaar." Said Misha, glaring at her. "You used to bring home prizes from school for writing. No one beat you at grammar. Ever. Don't underestimate yourself yaar."
Piya sighed. "It's getting late Mish, I'll go to sleep now."
Misha stared at her for a couple of moments then made a face at her. "Fine. Be stubborn. Good night." She turned to go, then suddenly turned around again. "Piya, is there something bothering u? U seemed, kind of lost, when u came home today."
"W-what?" said Piya, startled. "No of course not! I'm fine! What should be wrong?"
"That is something u should know" said Misha raising her eyebrows. "U sure all's well?" Piya nodded. Misha sighed . "Piya, u do know u can tell me anything, anytime, don't u?"
Piya felt a lump in her throat as she looked at Misha. She was the only person in the house whose company Piya enjoyed. But not even Misha could solve the mess her life was headed into. Not when she herself did not know what all this mess meant. So she just faked a smile. "I know u'll be there , Mish."
Ajay Rathod remained awake late into the night, poring over the document regarding the Pandhers which had recently been discovered. There was only one part he did not understand. A series of codes, which he was sure, held the key to all the mysteries. But it would be a tough job to decipher the meaning. This code type was new to him, and the document was extremely faded and old, and was very fragile, and so he had to be extra careful while handling it. He had been trying hard for the past five hours, but he had only understood one word, the last one. Siddharth. He frowned, wondering what this name had to do with the Pandhers. As far as history showed, there was no royal person of the Pandher kingdom of that name.
Abhay felt restless. For the first time since he had travelled through time, he was on his own, literally. Piya had been with him from the second he had come here, he had collided with her, he remembered with a smile, but now it was not possible for Piya to stay the night here. He stood at the window now, a light breeze caressing his face, as the world slept under a moonlit sky filled with stars. He frowned, wishing that Piya would be here now. Her company was oddly comforting, he thought. It felt as though he'd known her all his life, and not just a day. With her, everything had felt easier to bear. It was all so overwhelming, knowing that he'd travelled through time, not knowing whether he'd ever meet Maithili again. He gulped. Maithili. Would she be waiting for him in their meeting place, beneath that flowery tree, in a different world, a different time? Maithili seemed so far away, and out of reach now. Would she wait the whole night, never knowing that he would not ,or could not come? Who would accompany her when she went out on Snow? Last night, he'd been with her. And tonight, soo far' A million things had happened between yesterday night and tonight.
He closed his eyes. He wished that he wasn't alone; he wanted Piya with him; she helped keep his mind away from all these. He looked down at the phone in his hand. Should he--?
But it was too late, well past midnight. She would be sleeping, it would be rude to disturb her. But he had to talk, he felt so uneasy. He dialed her number as he had been taught and put the phone to his ears, hearing it ring. A Sleepy voice answered on the sixth ring. "Hello?"
"Abhay?" Piya's voice was instantly alert. "Are you all right? Is everything fine? What happened? Tell--"
"Piya,calm down" said Abhay, a strange relief seeping through him as he heard a familiar voice. It made him feel safer. "I am really sorry for waking you up so late--"
"Never mind, I'm a light sleeper" Piya said. "But Abhay,why aren't you sleeping?"
"Nothing, I just--" abhay stopped. He couldn't say more. How could he explain how he felt. How were feelings put into words? But Piya seemed to understand.
"Abhay" she said, her voice gentler now. "I'm really sorry that you have to be alone right now. But I'm just a call away, right? I understand how you're feeling Abhay. Don't think, you're alone ever. If u want, I'll talk to u all night'"
"No, No" Abhay spoke hurriedly. "I do not want to deprive u of sleep, Piya."
"I'll meet you before going to college tomorrow, all right?" Piya said from the other end. "And whenever I'm free, I'll call from college. Ok? "
"Yes" said Abhay quietly. He was feeling more at ease now. "Piya, thank you."
"For what?"
"For understanding" Abhay hesitated and then added. "What I could not say."
There was a brief pause. "I do understand, Abhay" said Piya softly. "Good night."
"A good night to you too Piya" , Abhay whispered as he cut the call. He clutched the phone tightly, looking out at the serene night outside, feeling better than before.
"You are a very good person, Piya" he whispered.

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