~Chapter 1

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"I'm like the ringleader, I call the shots . I'm like a firecracker. I make it hot"

*Fawn POV*

I rolled over in bed to turn on my table lamp. "Who could be calling at this hour?," I muttered under my breath.I looked at my alarm clock right before

I picked up my phone only to see Aman smooth,baby face on my screen.I noted that it was 5:43pm .He must be off work, I thought. I slid the green icon across the screen to answer the call.

"Allo?," I spoke smoothly. Out of all the men I've been with, I would have to say that Aman has a special place in my heart.

"You thought you was cute, huh ma ?".

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lied, cooly.  I had sent him 3 nudes while he was at work. Of course, I had a few lunch time margaritas with my sister Cleona so I had almost forgot. Almost

"You don't ? Okay then, can you explain to me why I had to give a presentation at my job about the UNICEF budget for kids in Africa with you and this video of you doing the unmentionable ?? Do you know how hard it is to talk about kids in Africa with a dick hard enough to cut diamonds?," he questioned. 

"I'm sorry babe, I didn't know you had to do that. I just thought you were going to be in your cubicle. . alone. . thinking about me." Damn, I'm good ! Should've been an actor ! "How was your day off ?" "Pretty uneventful," I sighed.

Right after that came out all of todays events came rushing back. 

Stripclub 4am. Waffle House 10 am. Lunch Bar 1 pm. Piss drunk 3pm. Pass out till now. Pfft. Yeah. REAL uneventful.

"It's like that, huh? I could come a lil later if you want. ." he asked, hope filled his voice. "That's so sweet !," I lied through clench teeth. He could be such a bugaboo sometimes."I think I'm just going to uhhh. . rest up ! Before work tomorrow, ya'know?"

"Oh," his voice thick with dissapointment. "Well, I'd love to see you soon". . "I'll keep that in mind. Look I don't feel well. Talk later? Kay. Bye," I rushed him off the phone. God, I get annoyed quick. After talking to Aman I rolled over and went to sleep. At least I told some truth.

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