~Chapter 2.B

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*Jovaughn POV*

I watched as Fawn walked over to her car. Lawd, them hips. I licked my lips while admiring everything this girl had to offer. She's smart, fine as ALL hell, and independent.Not to mention that she's MINE.

I smiled to myself. Fawn Morant is my lady.  We had been seeing each other for about 8 months now. I think it's time to become exclusive. I walked over to my black Lexus CT and drove off back to my office.

I walked through the glass doors of Rickets Worldwide, a computer company similar to Apple and Dell only we make computers exclusively for games. Our little business wasn't doing good when we first started but 100 investors, 4 conventions, and 3 years later we became the top supplier for gaming computers. 

I got on the elevator and went straight tho the top floor, MY floor.  My assistant, Elizabeth, instantly hopped out of her seat. No matter how hard I tried to make this a friendly enviorment this girl was always on pins and needles.

"Good afternoon , Mr. R-Rickets," she studdered. "How was your lunch?"

"Just wonderful. and yours?"

"Just fine, sir. You have 3 messages. 1 from Mr.Gates's people, 1 from the E3 confrence council, and 1 from a Ms. Fawn Morant. You also have a vistor. I told him to wait for you in your office."

"Okay, thank you Elizabeth. Feel free to take the rest of the day off." I said, waving at her.

She blinked like she couldn't comprehend what I just said. "Sir ? The day off ?"

I turned to her with my eyebrow cocked. "Yes. That is what I said isn't it ?"

She quickly cleared her throat and smoothed the nonexistent creases in her office skirt. She looked down, almost as if she was embarresed. "I'm sorry, sir , I just wanted to make sure what I heard was correct."

"No problem, but yes you can. Have fun !" and with that I dissappeared into my office, shutting the door behind me.

I looked up too see my long time friend, Delroy Gardner, helping himself to a Henny on the rocks from my in-office bar.

"Roy ! Wassup man ?," I asked while dapping him up.

"Shit, just chilling. Wassup with you tho ?"

"Nothing much, just got back from a lil lunch date," I smirked. Instantly Roy's eyes popped open.

"Whaaaaat ? Some lil mixxy got ya nose all open na?" He began play punching me all over .

"Aye, watch ya mouth she aint no lil mixxy, " I punched back," she's a woman."

"Well tell me bout 'er !"He sat down , sipping on his Henny. His face slightly winced from it. Wincing from Henny?? Guess he mixing shit now.

"Well she's about 5'5, longgg dark brown hair, golden buttermilk biscuit skin tone -"

"Nigga, didn't you just come back from lunch ? Ol' hungry ass," he shook his head.

"Let me finish, man ! Like I said, nice skin tone, AND she got her own !"

"Oh word? Finally stopped chasing gold diggers huh?," he laughed.

He was referring to my last ex, Daphney. She tried to pull the whole "I'm pregnant and it's yours" thing on brotha with dough. Had to dead that. SHE THOUGHT LIKEE. Don't get me wrong, If it was mine I woulda stepped up. But seeing how we only did the dirty do ONCE and then all of a sudden she was pregnant ? Nahh man. She even had DATES mixed up ! Talking bout she was 3 months when we had sex the month before. THOTS* (that hoe out there) these days . But I digress . . . 

My face balled up a bit. It still hurt that someone you thought could be so genuine, mess around and be so money hungry.

"Aye-yo , fuck you. She wasn't a gold dogger INITIALLY."

"Yeaa WHATEVER ! Always been dealing with THOTS ! But it's whatever now. Glad you got you a lady . "

"Hey, thanks man, 'preciate that. Anyway, how's fam?" and just like that we began chopping it up. . 

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*2 hours ago*

I looked up at my clock. Damn, it's ONLY 5 ??  I sighed. Delroy had left about 10 minutes ago, and I thought talking with him would take a reasonably large amount of my time away until tonight ; then I was all Fawns'. Guess, I thought wrong.

I leaned back in my office chair only to have something else catch my attention. The red light on my office phone was blinking, indicating a message. I suddenly remembered that Liz told me Fawn left a message. 

I picked up the phone and dialed "1" to patch me into my voice mail. Then, I heard the only thing that could make time feel longer . . .

Fawn: Hey baby ! Guess you didn't get back to the office yet ? Well look ,something came up at work. Apparently my assistant DID overbook me so I'll be working late into the night. I guess you'll need a rain check for that nightcap, love. Text me later ! Love you !*Kisses sound* *CLICK*

I put the phone down with a different emotion. Rejection ? Nah couldn't be. She didn't reject me. Depression? Nahh, it's just ONE night. Lonliness ? Maybe . Damn. Roy was right. I got lighskin feelings like a muhhfucka. 

Speaking about Roy, I picked up the phone and dialed his number .

"Yo ? Wassum ?"

"Aye yo you busy tonight? Let's hit up a strip club or something with the boys" . . . . .

*JoJo office on the side* >>

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