~Chapter 2

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*A/N* Just so you know Fawn and Cleona's last names are pronounced "Mo-rant" (like it's french but not)  instead "Mor-ant". .and comments/votes are free ya'know? :D

*Next Day**Fawn POV*

I ate some asiannnn /Jerk Chicken is Jamaicannnnn

Then I ate some cajunnnnnnnnnn/ Now my stomach started achinggggg


The Russ Parr remix on the popular tune by Ace Hood blared through my iHome, succesfully waking me up. Listening to 93.9 was the only thing that could put me in a good mood when I had to wake up at 8am. I don't care what YOU think but 8am is early to me !

I groggily pulled myself out of bed and went to start my hygeine routine. I normally would start with brushing my teeth but a shower seemed more fitting today. I stepped in, turned on the water, and just stood there, letting the warm watery bullets hit and slide over my skin.  I washed up a couple of times, thinking about how my day should go. Starbucks today? Maybe Dunkin Donuts. Hmm. Little things like this could make a persons day, I swear.

After I hopped out, I wrapped my plush towel around my body and headed for my room. I sat on the edge of the bed rubbing Johnson & Johnsons Cocoa Butter baby oil over my body, from head to toe. Then I slipped some Egyptian Musk incense oil behind my ears, on my wrist, and between my cleaveage. 

After I was certain that I was smelling good and feeling smooth, I sashayed over to my closet going looking for something to wear. My big ass closet could double as a New York and Co. showroom floor. I grabbed a gray blouse, with a black,cotton skirt, slim brown belt, and cheetah flats. I dressed and looked myself up and down in the mirror.

"Hmm. .It'll do," I decided.

I grabbed my phone and purse and head out the door. I hopped into my 2013 Black Cadillac CTS Coupe, warming it up. While the car was running, I decided to finally check my messages.

I slid the iPhone unlock button to the right, only to be greeted by 4 messages. 

Aman: Good Morning, beautiful. Have a nice day at work :* :D

Delroy (Roy): How'd you sleep, lovely ? Haven't heard from you in awhile.

Jovaughn (JoJo) : Your probably asleep, but I just wanna tell you Good Morning first and that you should have a nice day.

Zachary (Zach) : Good Morning, my Jamaican queen.

I smiled smuggly at myself. I love good morning texts. I decided to type one message and send it too all of them . Typing four messages would be doing the most.  

Me: Good morning, baee. I dreamt of you last night. You were all I could think about. . Let me know if you can do brunch . *Sent*

I placed my phone in the cupholder and pulled out my apartments parking lot, driving in the way of the Dunkin Donuts and then onto my job.

I walked into Morant's Veterinary Clinic and Hospital with my Dunkaccino, a Box of Joe for the office, and 2 donuts .

"Good morning, Ms.Morant," sang my receptionist, Lisa. She was a good kid . Pre-Vet med college student, working at the place of her dreams. 

"Morning Lisa, " I smiled. "How's my day looking?"

"You have 2 spays, 1 neutering, 1 declawing, 2 exams and an ultrasound." Jesus, that sounded like a lot.

"And I'm assuming you spaced these out appropriately ?," I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Lisa's eyes widened, assuming I was mad, "OH ! Yes, Ms.Morant. I wouldn't overbook you. I know how you like to space out your tasks. You should be done by 4." I looked on her desk,at the digital clock. 9:05am. I sighed, "Well. Who's first?," I said while walking into my office. . .

.                .                      .                .             .             .             .                   .             .               .               .           .


Ughhh ! Finally lunch ! I was meeting Jovaughn for lunch since everyone else was too busy. But what's better than me, right ?

I pulled up to this little french place, La Madeline, and smiled once I saw Jovaughn waiting patiently in his cream, button up shirt, gray slacks, and black dress shoes. Damn, he look good. The color, cream, sure did wonders for his lovely shade of caramel. I normally didn't go for the light-skinned dudes, but BOY was he fine when I met him. 

I walked up too him and he enclosed me in a big bear hug of muscular arms and Calvin Klein cologne. I inhaled deeply. Mmmm. . Smelling like a MAN. 

"Hey baby. Thanks for coming." He said.

"Anything for my man," I cheesed. 

He led me inside the quaint,petite restuarant where he had gotten us a secluded booth. He ordered for me and made small talk while our order was cooking.

"So what's been going on he with cha? Haven't heard from you ina brick,ma" He asked. His DC accent coming in. You can take the boy out the hood, but not the hood from the boy.

When he asked me that, instantly memories came running back.

Clubs, One night stands, pass-outs, shots, strip clubs, etc. . 

"Nothing much, work and play, ya'know? Same old,same old," I replied. 

"You should let me take you out sometime then . I could take ya shopping or take ya to get ya feet done or whatever."

I blushed and looked down. "Sounds tempting ! Lemme see what my schedule looking like, and I'll get back to you."

Just then , the food came back and we dug in. I looked up at him, scheming on a piece of steak he already cut and put off to the side. Let's get a lil more fun."

"OH MAH GAWDDD . LOOK JOJO !", I said pointing behind him

He dropped his fork and looked behind him, looking for what startled me.While he did that I hooked 3 pieces of his sirloin onto my fork and began eating happily away. 

He turned back aorund just as I bit into the last piece. "Oh, it's like that ? If you wanted steak why didn't you order it ?"

"And lose this figure ? Pfft," I scoffed. "Boy, bye. I worked to hard to look good naked," I stated.

"Lord knows how true that statement," he said, a hint of dirty mischeif in his eyes.

"OOOH YOU NASTY !" I laughed. This is why I liked Jovaughn. A chill relationship.

After we finished our food, we sat there talking for a few more minutes until our lunch breaks were officially over. 

"Well I gotta go back to work. Nightcap,tonight?" he asked.

"Is that really a question?," I asked playfully.

He chuckled. God, his teeth. How can BONES be so sexy ? I'll be over at 10. Stay up for me, bae."

"Of course, love." I kissed his plump, pink lips. The things this boy makes my body do, chile. . . 

We parted ways, towards our respective cars, anticipation filling our minds as the idea of what tonight could bring played in my mind. . .

*There will NOT be any Rated-R scenes since this IS a PG-13 book. If you would, LIKE them , let me know in the comments or show them in the votes and I MIGHT put it in there ;D*

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