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"You know what? Just get out! Get out of my life! I don't ever want to see you again! Fuck you Brian!" I yell at him. Tears are streaming down my face.

His expression changes from angry to surprised really quick. "W-what? No babe, I'm sorry. I told you it didn't mean anything. Please don't do this?" he almost begs me. But I'm done with him.

"Get. Out." I say through gritted teeth and wait a few seconds, giving him a little bit of time to turn around and walk out of the door. "Now!!!" I yell again. He still refuses to go.

"I'm not just giving this up because of some stupid mistake I made, okay?" He says, and it looks like he is about to cry, which only makes me laugh. "What's so funny?" he asks, sounding more vulnerable than ever before. "It's funny that you think you can just say you're sorry and move on with your life. I'm done. Done with you. Done with everything. Just get out of this house. Out of my life. I can't do this anymore. Just get back to that Jessica girl of yours who you love so much. And don't say you love me more than her, because if you really did, you wouldn't have done the things you did"

He sighs one more time before walking towards our bedroom. I hear his footsteps on the stairs and he is mumbling something which I can't hear properly so I'll just leave it.

I sit down on my couch. Rubbing my hands against my legs, trying to control my breathing. What have I done? I'm all alone now. But that's what I wanted, right? I told him to leave. He cheated on me, so there's no chance I'm staying in this relationship any longer.

After almost an hour he comes back to the living room, with two big suitcases in his hands. He puts them down and just looks at me, hoping I've changed my mind in the past hour, but I haven't.

"So... This is it," he just says, still staring at me. "Yep," I say without emotion. Not like any of this is easy for me, I just don't want him to know what this all is doing to me. I want him to leave as soon as possible because I don't think I can stay this calm any longer. I want to burst out in tears, but he can't see that. That would make me weak.

"Just leave. Please?" I say calmly and I think he finally realizes I'm serious about this. He grabs his stuff and starts walking towards the door. He grabs his car keys and his jacket and opens the door.

"Bye, Violet." He says as he closes the door behind him and as soon as I'm sure it's closed I breathe out.

"It's just you and me now, Buddy," I tell the golden retriever which is standing in front of me with his tongue out of his mouth. I get my phone to call Hailey and tell her about what just happened.

"Hi babe!" she greets me. "Hey..." "Babe, what's up?" she immediately asks. "Do you have time to drink some coffee somewhere? I really need to tell you something." Is all I say. "Yeah, sure. Uhm... see you at that small lunchroom with the sunny terrace in 30 minutes?" she proposes.

I love that place. Hailey and I always go there when we need to talk. Whether that is because we haven't seen each other in too long or if one of us really needs to tell the other one something really important, like now.

"Yeah that sounds great! See you there." I tell her and she says goodbye as well and we end the conversation.

I look outside and see that the weather is actually pretty good for this time of the year. It's March here in London and normally it rains a lot and temperatures are low, but today the sun is shining and it isn't that cold outside.

I get my purse, put my wallet in it and get the leash for Buddy. Now Brian's gone I can't just leave him alone so I'll have to take him with me for now.

"Come here Buddy, we're going for a little walk." I say with as much enthusiasm as I can right now. The dog gets up from his spot in the corner of the room and quickly gets to me. I attach the leash to his collar and get my own black leather jacket and big black-and-white scarf.

I take my keys, open the door and walk out, the dog following me. Even though Buddy is still pretty young, 3 years old, he listens very well. I breathe in one more time and we start our walk to the little restaurant.

We arrive at the restaurant exactly on time and as soon as Buddy sees Hailey he gets excited and starts pulling on the leash. Hailey greets him with a smile and pets him before she gets up to greet me.

"Hey babe," she says while hugging me. "I ordered you a tea, hope you wanted that or else I can order you something else if you'd like-" "Thank you. Tea is great." I interrupt her. We both sit down and our tea's get served.

"What's up? I can see something is wrong. Tell me." She says, getting straight to the point. I decide to do the same, no long story building up to it.

"Me and Brian broke up." I sigh, looking down. Hailey takes my hands in hers and rubs her thumb over the back of my hand. "I'm so sorry. Do you want to tell me why?"

"He cheated on me. With his colleague. He told me just two hours ago and we had a huge fight after that. Then I told him to leave. So I have the apartment for myself and Buddy now. There's no way in hell he's taking Buddy with him. So that's why I took him with me, I can't leave him alone. I can't have this happening to me now, Hailey. I just lost my job and now Brian, what else am I going to lose?" a tear is streaming down my face now.

"Oh babe, come here," Hailey says as she stands up again, giving me another hug, "you're not going to lose everything and you do not deserve this at all. This is a bit tough, but I know you'll get through this and I'm here to help you. Just make sure you keep doing fun stuff with other people. Don't lock yourself up in your apartment, be free. I know this is hard for now, but you're strong, Violet, you can do this. Just get some distraction."

She's right, I have to keep that in mind. Stay positive.

We stay a little longer and decide to stay here for dinner, we're here now anyways and I have to do some fun stuff. We talk about a lot of (random) stuff, like always. After a while I totally forgot all of the drama that happened earlier today.

I go home relaxed. I unleash Buddy and let him go free. I get upstairs and get ready to take a shower. I take my stuff into my bathroom and before I get undressed I get my phone. I open Spotify and search for the right playlist to listen to right now. As if someone from the company has been stalking me all day, the streaming service suggests a playlist called "Happily Single". I open the playlist, press play and get undressed.

I get in the shower with Single Ladies playing in the background. The hot water is streaming down my body and it's exactly what I needed after all the things that happened today.

This morning I woke up with someone I loved by my side and a few hours later I was living alone.

Life can fuck you over sometimes.

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