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I wake up early and feel fresh and rested. We're a week further now and I'm feeling much better. I think I got over Brian, and I feel happy and free.

I get up and walk downstairs to get some breakfast. The sun is shining through the curtains in the living room so I decide to open them and let the sun light up the apartment.

I open the fridge and get some yoghurt with granola and some berries. I fill Buddy's bowl with some dog food after I finish my own breakfast and get upstairs to shower, again. I normally don't shower twice within 24 hours but today is a big day and I need to make a good impression.

I'm going to a job interview at SYCO! Yes, the record label owned by no other than Simon Cowell! I love music and I would love to work with it, but I can't sing nor can I play an instrument on a professional level, so I'll have to do something behind the scenes but I think that's just as exciting!

Note to self: keep that in mind for you interview.

I get out the shower and put on a grey skirt with a white blouse tucked in and black jacket. The temperature isn't that high even though the sun is shining, so I decide on wearing tights. I take my black heels but don't put them on yet because I don't want my feet to be sore before I even get there. I take my black purse and put my stuff in it: wallet, notebook, pencils, deodorant (you never know) and a hair brush. I put on my make up: eyeliner, mascara and a nude coloured lipstick. I brush my hair and put a crème in it that makes sure it won't get fuzzy and makes it shine. I put on my heels and take a final look in the mirror.

I take my purse and walk downstairs to be greeted by the happy dog. Shit. I totally forgot to take him out this morning but I don't have time to do it now. "Can you please hold it a few hours? I will be back as soon as I can and I really need to be on time, so do it for me?" I tell the overly excited Labrador and I hope he understood that.

I get my jacket and check if I have everything one last time. Phone, check. Wallet, check, notebook and pencils, check.

I open the door and step outside, breathing in the fresh air.

I walk to the nearest underground and get in the right train. When the conductor announces we're at High Street Kensington Station I get up from my seat and leave the train. I walk up the stairs and get to the building I need to be at. It's only a couple of streets from the station, so I get there pretty fast.

I stand in front of the huge building with the words SYCO! Entertainment and take a deep breath. "I can do this," I whisper to myself. I check my make-up and hair in the reflection of my phone and when I see it's still the way it was when I left the apartment I walk inside.

"Good morning miss, can I help you?" the friendly lady at the reception asks me. "Uhm, yes. I have an appointment with mister Smith at 9." I tell her a little nervous.

She calls someone and after that she tells me to wait in the waiting area and that mister Smith will be here soon.

I don't take my phone out while waiting because I don't want to be distracted when mister Smith walks in, so I decide to take everything in. The ceiling is high and walls are painted white. Some of them have a painting on them. Big, glass chandeliers are hanging from the ceiling and they light up the room with a soft light.

People are rushing from one hallway to another, getting to their appointments on time. They all walk fast, except for one man, he approaches me in a calmer tempo, that must be mister Smith.

The man is tall and I guess he's somewhere in his mid-thirties. His dark brown hair is styled back and his eyes are grey-coloured. He's wearing a navy coloured suit with a white shirt and black tie.

"Good morning, you must be Violet," he greets me with a smile and his hand ready to shake mine. I return the gesture and introduce myself as well.

"Follow me to my office so we can talk in peace," he smiles again and starts walking, I start following him and try to remind the hallways he leads us into, but I fail miserably. I have no idea where in the building I am. I hope he will walk me back to the entrance of the building when we're finished, or else I'm sure I'll get lost, and in case I get hired, that would be extremely awkward.

"It's right here," mister Smith says after what seems like hundred more hallways. We enter a pretty big room with a bureau on the right side, one very luxe chair behind it and two less luxe ones in front of it. Mister Smith walks to the other side of the bureau and signs for me to sit in one of the other chairs, right across from him.

He starts his computer, folds his hand and looks at me. "First of all, welcome," he says. "Thank you," I reply politely. "Let's start with the easy part here," he says and starts to search for something on his computer.

I look around and there is one thing that immediately stands out in his office: the colourful painting on the wall. Everything in this room is black, white and grey, except from the painting. It's pretty big, and it pictures a picture of a family. Every family member has another colour. The mother is painted with a dark red colour, the father dark blue, the son has the colour of the summer sky and the daughter has a bright pink colour. The surroundings are nothing more than a lot of colours.

There is a little sign right next to the painting and I can see it has a little text on it, but I can't read what it says. Probably what the painting is about, who made it and in what year.

I focus back on mister Smith and nervously wait for him to start the interview.

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