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"Let's just start by checking your information, okay?" he asks and I nod. "So your full name is Violet Amber Johnson, is that correct?" he asks and again I just nod and reply with a simple "Yes, sir." "Good, good. Is this address correct?" he shows me an address on his computer and when I have checked it, I nod again.

I hope he's not going to hate me because I haven't said much yet, but on the other side, what could I have said more than what I already have. It's not that he's asking me a lot of questions or something, he's just checking my info.

After a while, he turns away from his computer and focuses on me. He turns of the screen, takes a pen and paper and puts them in front of him on the bureau.

"Okay, so that was the easiest part. Now let's move on to the interesting part. It's not scary or something, I'm just going to ask you some questions about you and why you would want to work here, so I can check if you're the one we're searching for," he explains, and again, I fucking nod.

"Okay good. First question: who are you?"

Seems like a simple question, so let's start. "I am Violet, 22 years old. I live on my own, together with my dog Buddy. I'm a creative person who always tries to find a way to solve problems and I don't give up on things if I don't succeed at the first try. I absolutely love music and I really want to work with it in some way, but the thing is that I can't sing nor can I play an instrument that well, so I decided I want to work behind the scenes in the music industry. I saw your vacancy and immediately sent an email. I'm really honoured to be here."

What the hell was that?! I think it started okay but the end is just too much. Ew. Fuck me.

Mister Smith laughs a little and starts writing some things down. I just hope he doesn't write anything like "She's an idiot, don't hire her!"

After that he asks me a few more questions, about why I want this job and when I'm available and stuff. I try to answer them with the best answers I can think of, because I really, really want this job.

I think we've been talking here for 30 minutes or so, and after he's written the last few things down he looks up again.

"Violet," he says with a smile. "Thank you for your time. I will talk to mister Cowell as soon as I can and after that I'll let you know if you're hired as soon as possible. The phone number I showed you earlier is correct, right?"

A smile appears on my face and we both get up from our chairs. "Yes that's my phone number." I tell him and we shake hands again.

"Let me show you the way out, I have to be there anyway," he says and I just assume Simon's office is somewhere near the entrance of the building. "After that I'll have to go back to the top floor of the building, to talk to Simon about you," he laughs and I feel stupid. Of course the office of the CEO is on the top floor, duh.

We walk all the way back and say our goodbyes while I'm putting on my coat. "I'll talk to you soon," he says. "Thanks again for your time today and being able to come here on such short notice." He called me two days ago.

I walk out of the building with a huge smile on my face and get my phone as soon as I can.

I search for Hailey's contact and try to call her but she doesn't pick up. A text message will do, just to let her know how the interview went.

I go home, put on some flats because these heels were killing me and walk a little with Buddy. When we get back home again I pour him some water and sit down on the couch. I check my phone for a message from Hailey, but it's not her who sent me a text. It's Brian.

I miss you, can we meet somewhere?

Ugh, men are exhausting. I reply with a simple No, put my phone away and start reading a book.

I have no sense of time when I'm reading and I can get completely lost in a book, so that's why my phone startles me as soon as it starts ringing.

I pick the device up and only see an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, this is Violet Johnson."

"Hey, this is Victor Smith, from SYCO, remember me?" I shoot up and focus on the conversation.

"Yes! Of course I remember."

"Great. Well, I talked to Simon and I think I have good news for you," a smile starts to appear on my face again, as I was waiting for the man to tell me what it is.

"You're hired! Welcome at SYCO Violet, we're really glad to have you."

"Thank you so much, I'm so happy right now! Thank you and mister Cowell again, this means a lot to me," I tell him enthusiastically. He starts telling me when I can start and where I have to be.

"Have a good day Violet," he says. "Thank you, you too mister Smith."

After he ends the call I jump up and start screaming and cheering. Buddy looks at me like I'm a total weirdo, which I admit to be a little, and when I lost a little bit of energy I search for Hailey's contact again.

The phone rings a few times and when she picks up I start talking before she can even say something.

"Oh my God I got the job!!!! Let's celebrate tonight. Uhm, let's meet at that nice bar at 9? Okay see you there, bye!"

It's all I say and I end the call immediately after I said that. I can't wait to celebrate with Hailey tonight.

Hi guys!
First of all, thank you for reading this story, I know it's not that interesting yet, but I promise it will come in the next chapters.
There is only one thing...
I told you guys that I would be writing this story before I'd leave to London for 10 weeks, so I could update once a week. The thing is: I have been extremely busy in the weeks before my trip, and I notice now that I barely have any time to write while I'm here. My wifi kind of sucks, and I only have my phone...
So I'm really sorry, but this chapter is the last for a couple of weeks. I will do whatever I can to write a little, but I can't promise anything!

I hope you guys understand, I really wanted to have something for you guys, so I really feel bad about this...

Again, SORRY!!!!
See you in a few weeks.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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