Too Late

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I came in too late.

I see a pool of blood next to Alpha's limp form. She used her body as a shield for my brother but it was futile. I dropped next to them. My brother is almost a goner too and I realized he cannot even fight it any longer. His body received too much damage.

"No dearest!" I held his face and pleaded but he just smiled weakly. His way of saying goodbye. "I need you Red... please..." I begged.
I felt him shudder while I was hugging him tight. We stayed like that for a little while. There is nothing anyone can do. I kissed his forehead as I know I'm losing him.

"Sorry dearest--can't..." He breathed painfully then whispered his last words to me, almost inaudible, before his eyes shut forever.

Make me proud... mon petit chèri Noire...

When his heart finally stopped beating... for a moment, so did mine.

"Push on regardless pilot!" I remember him say once during our flight training when I was five. Right. So much is still at stake. Red's expecting me to take care of the rest.

I'm coming for you both!

I struggled to stand then I walked over to my cousin Carmine and tore her away from Knight's lifeless body. She's broken but I can't afford to feel sorry for her. Not yet.

"Raven! Get your act together!" I snapped at Raven waking her from her trance state. I dragged and shoved Carmine towards her. She was an A rank guardian in charge of Vermilion but she failed to do her job. Had I not come in time I'd have lost my cousins too. "Take your master and Carmine outside. Fox is waiting for you. Don't dare mention about Red and Alpha." I hissed.

I bent in front of Vermilion and helped him stand and steady himself. He's losing blood but I know he'll manage.

"Lion, head back to Uncle Vermillion asap. Make sure Fox won't go back in. I can't afford any more losses. Do you understand?" His eyes said he did. I gently kissed his cheek before I left.

I radioed mother to tell her to pickup Red, Alpha and Knight but there's no response.

This isn't good.

I raced towards the place I know I'll find Caleb. He's my master and our connections would lead me to him as it always does. Like invisible strings.

I heard a gunshot, and as soon as I stepped in, I found a sea of blood and fallen bodies. Just right then my mother dropped to the ground on top of my brother Crimson, partly covering him. His face contorted with pain, looks like he's suffering from multiple stab wounds.
Caleb was in a tank filled with murky water and a beat up wriggling Samuel was next to him. I can see bullet wounds on Caleb's left thigh, chest and torso. I looked at his eyes and right then I knew...

He is gone.

I'm too late. Again.

I breathed heavily calming myself. I picked up a stray bullet and hit the tank with it, shattering the glass in the process and freeing the drowning Samuel. That caught the men's attention and they aimed their guns at me.

"Crimson dear..." I called my brother. My voice low and it surprised me how steady it sounded. His golden eyes met mine. "Close your eyes please. I don't want you to see this." I coaxed.

As he did so, guns fired ceaselessly.

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