Only a woman can be an Evis

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I made sure everyone is okay especially Crimson. He needs me. NO. It's me who needs him most. He is the only one I have left. My world revolves around my brothers and Caleb. And now that my Red and Caleb are both gone, Crimson will be my only life support. Losing him will be the death of me.

Aunt Scarlet has taken care of Carmine. She's a wreck. Her happiness after finally claiming her birthright as an Evis has been short lived as she lost the husband who granted it to her. Knight Evis, her love, her life, her everything, is dead and gone.

The curse of being a female-born Evis is our devotion to the man we are betrothed to. We were conditioned since early childhood--if not since birth, that we belong to each other and that we are to love, serve, and be loyal to them.
At birth we(female children) are only given our first names, after the shade of the Red. The color and name of the head of this clan we are born into. Roman numbers indicating the generation we belong subs as a surname. Our parents then would adopt a boy right after our birth, and they will give him what we are deprived, the Evis family name. We will be groomed together to become each other's spouse in the future. Only through marriage can we be granted that prestigious name. Only this way can we become deserving, because in this clan only a woman can be an Evis.

Another thing about the Evis is that it is a religious clan. (Their definition of a woman is that of the bible.) Although they seem to have a love-hate relationship with the faith, it will always be God above all. Red has instilled that same faith in me. He used to be my second priority and Crimson and Caleb comes after. The death of the two changed this. Now there's only God and Crimson.

Seeing Carmine Evis now in her depressive manic episode brings my nightmares to life. Her eyes though still beautiful and golden are empty. Soulless. She's a breathing cadaver. It's painful to watch but I can't look away. I feel guilty. Had I just come in time I might have saved Knight. I might have saved her.

I might have even saved myself from my own misery.

I swallowed hard. I have to look calm and collected on the outside even if I am broken internally. I can taste the bile in my mouth as hysteria slowly engulfs me. I will do and give anything and everything for Crimson. I swear I will never let anything happen to my brother. Each passing moment I am feeling more lost, burnt out and weary. Caleb was my Evis but he is gone. I lost my ticket to my birthright and without it, despite my father being the XXIV Red, and even if I reveal myself as a Noir, I shall be outcast. They will take me away from my brother Crimson. Again fear seeps into my consciousness at that realization. I can't let that happen. I am the only one who can keep my brother safe. I need to play my cards well. Fox, Crimson's guardian, is good but she will never be enough. Alpha was great but she had not been enough for Red and they both died. Not even mother, the legendary Galatea, will be able to do the job especially now that she's still in a state of coma. There has to be another way to secure my place in this clan for my brother's sake. I'll have until tomorrow to decide what to do but for now I have to go back to that accursed place and take back Red's body.

"Fox!" I summoned. I had to brace myself to keep steady. I've just gotten out of the room where they got my blood taken for Crimson. "Be alert! Double the guards. I won't take long. I reckon Crimson won't be conscious till tomorrow. I should be back before then."

"Will you be okay? You're spent. You haven't gotten any rest yet. Red won't like it-" I cut her off.

"He's dead." I shook my head as my vision starts to blur. "He doesn't have a say anymore when it comes to this. Amu and Aunt Scar will be with me shortly but I need to go ahead. I need time to say my goodbyes to both of them." She knew I was referring to Red and Caleb. I stiffened as she started towards me. "Don't!" I hissed.
I am haphephobic and I don't trust my self-control at the moment.
Up until today, I've actually only met a handful of people in person. Literally.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry I forgot. Crimson and Lion warned me never to touch you." Fox mumbled apologetically looking away.

"Yeah..." I just said and walked away without dismissing her.

Just as I reached for the exit, my father arrived with his men but I continued without as much as a glance at him.

"Little Miss!" Henry called. He's one of my father's trusted men. We have mutual feelings for each other. Strong dislike.

"Uncle Vermillion is the Master here so he will provide the report. I'm going but I'm not sorry for being here. Don't be too alarmed Father. I know my place and nobody will learn I've been here so I'm still officially off the radar." I spoke loudly not acknowledging Henry. I breathed heavily as I ease my clenched jaw still refusing to look nor stop on my way out. They didn't expect me there and with my father's current political standing, I understand they can't risk me being seen around. It annoys me though.
I heard my father say something and Henry began addressing me with unmasked disapproval in his tone but I didn't bother and left.

"Ingrates!" I muttered under my breath as I got into the car drove out of the driveway.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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