Chapter 1 1/2

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He can't always save me
My knight just walked away
I'll stay here with his white horse
Who said I needed savin' anyway- The Lane Gang

2 years later

The music is blaring in my room as I enjoy the rare freedom to sing at the top of my lungs. My voice needs to be in the best shape possible because next month I am sending in a video application for college. I am crossing my fingers and toes and praying to all the "music gods in the sky" that l get a full scholarship to the Florida School of Arts. My guidance counselor at school has been helping me, and she thinks I have a good chance.

The down-side is, I need my Mom's help too, but she has been disappearing for days, even weeks at a time. When she does come home, it is one constant party and I spend more time at Gray's house then I do here. If I can make it through this last year of high school, and get away from my mom, my life will get better.

It's not that I don't love it when she is gone, being alone is much better than dealing with her acting like a child and not a parent. Well, I'm not completely alone, I have Gray and Carolina. They look out for me. Carolina, has become like my second Mom, she even takes my side if Gray and I argue. I talk to her about things that I could never ask my Mom about.

I am certain she is aware of me sneaking into Gray's room, but she never says anything. She knows the kind of friendship we have. Grayson treats me like his little sister, even running off any boys I bring around.

I can't imagine where my life would be without Gray. He has become my best friend in the last 2 years. He is my biggest supporter and takes care of me even when I don't need him to. Whenever I am sad, he finds a way to make me laugh. If I need something, and he finds out, it magically appears. He even bought me tampons once. If it wasn't so sweet, I would have laughed at him for days. The thought of big, manly, tatted up, rock star, Grayson Thomas buying tampons, still makes me giggle.

I need him more than he will ever know. He keeps me grounded and out of trouble. He is my security. But more than anything, he is the reason I try so hard. He inspires me to be better, to follow my dreams.

I wouldn't have had the courage to apply for college without him pushing me. He believes in me, and helps me believe in myself.

When I think about the future though, I feel sick. Things are changing. Dark Rain has been touring for the past two years, and their popularity is growing. They recently recorded their first album with a major label, and their first single is set for release next month. Gray will be moving on and living his own life. I can't help but wonder if I will still be a part of it.

Don't get me wrong, I am happy for him, for all of them, but when he is gone, LIFE SUCKS! In the past when they've toured it has only been for a week or two at a time. That will change, with this new release. UGH, I despise change!


Still lost in thought, the sound jolts me out of bed. What in the ever Lovin' Spoonful?" I turn down the music, walk over to the window, and pull the blinds down. It's dark, but I can make out Gray's profile.

"Meet me at the back door" he shouts.

My heart is beating out of my chest, something is wrong, I feel it in every part of my body. Grayson never knocks on my window, unless my Mom is home. She is gone, he knows it, so what is going on? My mind is racing as my feet carry me briskly through the house. I fling the door open, and lose my breath.

There stands Gray, all 6'2" of him, with a black eye and busted lip. I grab his arm and jerk him into the house. My stomach churns, and a wave of nausea hits me hard. This is my worst nightmare coming true. My hero, hurt. I'm gripping his arm so tight my knuckles turn white. I will not pass out, I will not pass out...My mouth starts its usual nervous blabbering, "Oh my God, Gray! Are you Okay? What happened?"

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