The Never Ending Play

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You put on the play everyday.
You plaster a smile across your face.
The words you say rehearsed.
Spilling out of your mouth like loose change falling out of a purse.

But what they really don't know is what is behind the facade.
The walls of your mind constantly clawed,
By thoughts yearning to get out.
But you know that they'll never be let go.
Because you see cant bear to see the crowds smiles go...away.

So as the play goes on and on,
The light in your eyes start to
flicker...than it's gone.

For your energy drains from tirelessly
But you just can't stop even when it's morning.
Because what's inside might start hurt,
So you keep repeating lines hoping to get through the concert.

Even though the thoughts cause pain,
You feel you are to blame.

So you put on the play,
Smile plastered on your face.
Even though you have bled you keep going.
Because you are dead and if you stop your corpse will start showing.

The Never Ending PreformanceWhere stories live. Discover now