Chp. 1~

941 29 11

"Jooooooooohn!" Dave yelled and listened as it echoed through the whole apartment.

No reply.

"Jooooohn!!" Dave hollered again. 

"Oh my god! What do you want Dave?" Dave watched as John slowly walked into the kitchen.

"There's no fOOd."  Dave made sure to put emphasis in the "oo" part of the word.

"Dave~ Warm up a burrito or something we can go get groceries tomorrow when were not broke." Dave  groaned and walked over to his bucktoothed friend and ruffled his hair before walking away.

"No dude. Im not hungry anymore." Dave kept his stoic face and turned on the X-box and grabbed a controller. "Video game?" He offered. John gladly obliged.

Dave and John finally settled on Halo.

"Dude you totally suck at this game!" Dave laughed as he killed John for probably a 11th time, red team winning once again. 

"Whatever. I bet I could beat you at COD." John smirked at the shaded boy.

"Is that a challenge?" Dave grinned and pulled off his shades. John had seen his eyes many times before and by now was used to seeing them. He thought they were actually really pretty. As Dave thought the same about John's blue eyes. Though he probably wouldn't admit that out loud.

After long hours of screaming and cheering, the boys grew tired. "Lets watch this one!" John lifted up a movie. It was a stupid rom-com Karkat had let Dave borrow... For reasons he wouldn't state. He said it was confidential.

"Ugh." Was all Dave said as John put the movie in and skipped through previews. He snuggled up into Dave's quadrant duvet.

~Beautiiful tiime 2kiip brought two you by 2ollux Captor~

Dave blinked his eyes open. He was curled up next to John who had his legs wrapped around Dave's torso and was nuzzling his chest. Dave's whole face lit up. But he actually found it comforting.

Dave slowly wrapped his arms around the taller boy and pulled him closer and nuzzled into his neck. It was still dark outside anyways. So he decided he had probably be getting back to sleep.


Alright. Im gonna end it there for tonight c=

That shit was killing me. Ill update soon, not sure when though. but soon so yeah.

bye!~ <3

Well Shit - [DaveJohn]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora