Chapter 3

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  As the car pulled up to the mansion i honestly thought i was dreaming cause it was absolutely huge I've never seen anything like it. I grabbed my one bag and got out the car. All the other girls quickly followed. I was kinda nervous about going in as it was kinda like having a brand new start as soon as i walked through the doors. Camila unlocked the door and as soon as she did i was welcomed by a huge group of people, but not just any people the house was full of celebrities. I was so surprised that they would organize all this for me so i put my bag down and started to awkwardly mingle with everyone. I quickly turned around and thanked the girls for organizing all this. People like Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon were coming and introducing themselves and asking for my number so they could text me!! And for some reason Jen told me to stay strong which i found a bit bizarre. i mean they didn't know my secret right?? By the end of the night i was so tired. But i also had at least 30 new numbers in my phone like i had Shay Mitchell, Bea Miller, Emma Roberts, Shawn Mendes and that wasn't even the half of them. Once everyone was gone, which wasn't until like midnight, Carrie showed me to my new room which the most amazing thing I've ever seen. it was just so cool!!                 ( picture above.) I was kinda scared about the first night in my new room, it always took me a while to get used to being in new places over night. I got changed into a pair of Ally's pajamas as we were both quite small so yeah. I then got into bed. 

I woke up tossing, turning and sweating profusely, then i remembered what i had been dreaming about. But i wouldn't call it a dream more of a... nightmare. Lets just say there's a reason that me and my mum live alone. My dad wasn't the... lets say nicest person in the world. He could be very violent to me and my mum there were many a time when he had hit me but i'm over all that now, well as far as everyone else thinks. I slowly went back into a dreamless sleep. 

A few hours later i was awoken by Lauren and Ally waking me up saying i had to wake up.                            " Do i really have to" i pleaded with them. " Yes you do Taylor come on" they said leaning over me. So instead i decided to lift my duvet and pull them in the bed with me, one on either side of me and i snuggled with them and we all fell back to sleep as i whispered " I love you aunty Ally and Lolo" A while later we were rudely by Demi coming in. " I thought i told you guys to wake her up not fall back to sleep with her" i started laughing at this point as i hadn't seen the side of Demi that is strict.     "That's probably my fault" I raised my voice to say. "we're sorry Dems she just dragged us into the bed and we all cuddled and fell back to sleep."  Lauren said giggling.  "Anyways.... you guys need to get up and be ready in half an hour so we can go shopping" Demi said in an excited tone while jumping up and down like a child. "Wait did you say half an hour, how is a sixteen year old supposed to get ready in that time!" i yelled and quickly jumped up but quickly realized i didn't have any clothes. "erm guys major problem, i don't have any clothes" i said in a matter of fact way. "that's ok you can just borrow some of mine Taybae" Lauren said sweetly. "Thanks Lolo, wait did you just call me Taybae??" i said curious to where she got the name from. " yeah don't you think it's cute, now come on we need to go and get changed."

Once i was ready i went downstairs to discover that everyone else was already ready. oops.. never mind. "lets go " i hear Camila shout excited to be finally going. As there wasn't enough room in mini van i sat on Lauren's lap leaning against the window with my legs gong over Dinah, but she did say she didn't mind it though. Once we had set off i was told the shopping center was like a two hour drive away so i got out my phone and scrolled through twitter for ten minutes until my eyelids started to get heavy so i put my phone away and cuddled into Lauren " your tired already i swear to god you only woke up 30 minutes ago" Lauren said. I just noticed that Dinah had gotten bored of us two had was sat on Normani's lap. " well i'm still tired and since Dinah's sat over there i'm going to scoot over there so i can sleep" just as i began to move Lolo wrapped her arm around my waist and twisted her body so we were both lying down on the seats cuddled together. " you're not going anywhere boo, you can lie here with me" Lauren said with so much love in her voice. We were facing each other while led down, and she kissed my forehead and told me to sleep if i was still tired. So i turned around and she wrapped her arms around me while i cuddled as far into her as possible.

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