Chapter 3

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Parker Pov
Hey little peeps I thought it would be good to see Parkers Side of the story hope you enjoy 💕😋🐷🐸
Bri and I walked up to my room she was still in my jacket even tho it was massive on her. the reason I call her princess is she has a way of getting people to do stuff for her like at school she just says oh I rally fell like a cookie someone will walk past and say oh I am full Bri you want my cookie it's really cool I just do the stuff for her cause it's a little game we have I give her nick names and treat her like she is that thing. I've known her for ages since the first day mum brought her home for baby sitting she was my friend mum says we had little baby language talks to  each other she is really sweet and she is like one of the guys to me.
"Hey Parker I want a rematch on the video game we were playing yesterday" she said.
"You want me to kill you again" I said back .
"No I want you to die so I win" she said .
"So you want me to let you win" I said .
"Have I ever told you how annoying you can be?" She said .
"Have I ever told you how annoying you can be" I mimicked we both laugh
"I'm going to go to livs room she said something about wanting to see me" she said
"Ok" I said
"Tootles" she said then bursted out laughing I laugh with her
Bri's pov
I walk into Liv and maddies room to see Liv sitting on her bed
"Hey Liv" I say and she looks at me
"Hey Bri" she said
"You wanted to see me" I say
"Oh yeah sit" she says tapping the spot next to her
"Ok" I say confused and sit as she gets up runs into her closet and comes out with a lot of clothes in her hands
"Choose you two favourites" she said I chose a grey long sleeve top jeans and a pink infinity scarf and I left my Uggs here last time I came outfit up top ignore earnings and I wore that and liv wore a white long sleeve top pink jeans and pink Scarf and black boots "yay I can never pick outfits with Maddie come tomorrow and we can do it again" she said really existed
"Ok" I say we both got changed they had 2 dressing rooms in the closet it was massive I can't believe they use joey and Parkers it's as big as my bed room
"You look soups cute" Liv said as we both came out I still had Parkers jacket on
"You to" I said back
"Fantabolishous" she said as I left to go back to Parker

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