Chapter 8

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Parker pov
"I am so happy for you guys i always knew you guys were perfect for each other" Liv said
"But she will be so mad and I just ruined  our friendship"  I said
"Parker" I heard Bri yell from down stairs
"Hide me" I said scared
"Come on Parker your 15 it's not that weird to have your first kiss" she said
"Parker please I need to talk to you" Bri said knocking on my bed room door
"Come in Bri" Liv said and Bri came in
"Parker why did you Kiss me" she asked
"Because Bri I really like you" I replied
"Parker you know servants never kiss the princess so your fired as my servant" she said
"Can I be your prince" I asked
"Yes you can" she said coming up and hugging me
"Omg I can not believe that this just happened I need a ship name. Maddie!" Liv said to her self and went to go find maddie

Ship names guys I need help
ideas are also a good help
sorry for not updating in a while busy life no ideas so yeah
ever needs someone To talk to I'm  happy to help or just chat I don't mind
Love ya💕💕
Sorry if that made no sense

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