Chapter 4

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Parker pov
"Hey princess" I said as she walked in while she was gone I got changed
"Hey servant" she replied
"I see Liv found a friend to choose outfits for" I said noticing she got changed
"Yeah until I have to go back home" she said sitting next to me on my bed
"Yeah well your stuck with us for a while so have fun with that" I teased
"Well servant you will be a servant for a while so have fun with that" she teased back
" princess would you like me to kill you on the video game again" I asked
"Sure but don't kill me" she said
"So you want me to let you win"
"No" she said "haven't we already been threw this"
"Maybe" I teased
"Uhhh lets just go play, servant carry me" she said putting her arms out I shrugged and picked her up bridle style she looked really surprised
"You are actually doing this" she asked
"Well of corce princess" I replied giving a smirk I actually really like doing things like this I don't know why I just do
"Ok then" she said smiling I walked down the stairs while a few time pretending to almost drop he she looked so funny every time I did that she was so scared
" relax were here" I said putting her on the couch
"Yeah I would be more relaxed if you didn't almost drop me every 2 seconds" she said
"Well you were the one who wanted me to carry you sooo" I said
"Uhh lets just play" she said I laughed she death glared me we started playing she shot down the barrier between our 2 players and started shooting me than I started shooting her as well she shot the zombie behind me and started shooting me again
"Yes I win" she celebrated
"Kids lunch" mum said from the kitchen
"Coming" Bri and I said at the same time and got up and walked to the kitchen  

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