Chapter 4.

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Pitched up in a local café Harper sat an arm away from the girl. The girl sipped sleepily at the cup of coffee as the waitress placed a bun on the table. The cutlery was chipped and stained. It was dainty, and not in a good way. She returned with a cup of earl grey for Harper. She threw him a sleazy wink and soon sauntered away, fiercely.Harper grinned at the girl sat opposite him. She slapped him blithely on the shoulder.

"That was so fucking obvious." The girl gushes. Harper takes a sip of earl grey, completely oblivious, and sinks into the cushioned seat. Harper leans forward and clutches at her snood, pulling her into his chest and embracing her. Pushing her face into his shirt. They laugh.

Harper lumbered across the bay, unable to let his fair eyes settle on a single image. His eyes darted from object to object, from sky to sea and back again, like a small child. His face resembled the smile of one too. The girl watched as he charged towards the ocean, playfully; bringing back strips of dark-green to throw at her. She squealed in angst. She hurried behind a boulder and let a simper rip across her delicate features. Harper watched she dodged, eyes focused on him. He edged towards and they collapsed onto the sand in a fizzle of laughter.

They lay beside one another, and watched as the shapes in the sky shifted. The clouds emerged before the sun disguised as sheep and pigs and trees; and they watched as life seemed to pass through. Their lives returned through things that surrounded the beach. The water seemed to resemble the eyes of Harper's mother and its depth was much like her mind. The toddler running through the sand, armed in a sunhat and flip-flops, looked up at his father like Harper once did. The girl latched onto Harper like she did her life, as if it were to be gone if she didn't. The sun reaped its time before the moon would resume its nature the coming night.


"Again." Harper towed the girl up and tugged her into the ocean. The water crashed against her bare legs.

The sea seeped through their shoddy clothes with familiar ease, leaving them soaked to the bone. Their ragged breathing took in bursts of fresh town air. Freedom joined the pair hand in hand as they rushed to and from the lapping tongue of the ocean. Waves ricocheted off rocks, trailing seaweed across the salted skin of passers-by. The wind nestled against the girl, circling her slim form, running through the thin material of her flowing dress, blowing it high into the air.


Hey lovelies, 

Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! Please don't forget to like, vote, comment (if you can) and follow. It literally –no lie- means the world and makes me smile. And who doesn't want to make a girl smile? Am I right? Okay, I'm gonna stop rambling.

P.S This new feature on Wattpad is amazing. For once they have done something right! Had to say it, had to say it...  :D

Bye x

Harper's Falling // A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now