Chapter 16

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I heard the sound of running feet and then someone leaned over my suspended form. I felt strong hands roughly grab me on either side of my chest and lift me upward. The person pulled me to him, letting one arm encircle my upper body while with the other he scooped up my knees. Lifting me easily, he unceremoniously deposited me back on my pallet.

Standing over me his arms askew and his face angry, he demanded roughly. "Is this all the gratitude I get? You recover enough strength so you can end your life by throwing yourself over a wall."

My eyes narrowed in reaction to his outburst. In a chilled voice I answered, "If I choose to end my life, it will not be on your watch. Alian, I presume? Well, you needn't fret. I won't ruin your good deed today. I was simply trying to get a drink of water and slipped."

At my words, his anger fell from him like a discarded mantle. Kneeling beside me, he entreated, "Forgive me, Salome. When your water gourd hit me on the head and I looked up, I was certain you were about to follow it over the wall. My fear turned to anger, and I took my wrath out on you. If you will lie here for a second, I will retrieve the dipper and fetch you some water."

As he spoke I noticed for the first time that his turban was soaked with water. Perhaps my wits were still addled by the near disaster, but when I saw his wet state my own anger was overcome by mirth, and I began to giggle. I reached out a hand and took the corner of his turban and managed to gasp between chuckles, "There is no need for a dipper. I can just wring this into a cup."

As I dissolved into laughter the corners of his eyes began to crinkle, his deep brown eyes sparkled and his lips curved into a smile. Then he too began to rock with loud guffaws as he wiped his eyes on the corner of his turban.

Even as I laughed, I examined my rescuer. He was a big man, not comparable to Samson, of course, but large enough that most men would be loathe to anger him. Even kneeling, he seemed to tower over me. His arms were well muscled but devoid of hair. His hands were rough as though accustomed to work. His chin looked as though it had been chiseled from stone, but the softness of his mouth as he laughed softened the effect. Overall, he was a comely male.

Our almost frantic mirth was interrupted by the soft voice of Naomi. "What is going on here? I return from the market to find my water gourd lying in the street and the two of you sitting here in disarray overcome by hysterical laughter. What will the neighbors think?"

Rising quickly to his feet, Alian sobered and put a protective arm around the old woman."What do you care what the neighbors think?" he asked. "You've never worried about what others think. You did not hesitate to take in a sick gentile, even though it caused raised eyebrows and whispered censure. Why the sudden concern for decorum?"

"It is one thing for the people of Hebron to castigate me with their tongues. I am an old woman and am allowed my idiosyncrasies. They merely think me eccentric, but harmless. You, on the other hand, are a young bachelor. You are the son of my brother's old age. I feel responsible for you now that your parents have passed on. How will you attract a suitable wife if it is rumored that you sit unchaperoned on a rooftop making merry with a woman of unknown lineage?"

Looking down at my tightly clasped hands, I interjected, "Please, forgive me, Naomi. It is my fault that your beloved nephew finds himself compromised. I thought I had adequate strength to get a drink of water. I almost fell over the wall, and he came to my rescue – once again. I fear that the emotion of the moment turned into inappropriate laughter when we both realized that I was safe from harm."

"What?" Naomi exclaimed. "You mean you dropped the dipper into the street as you fell?"

"She did," Alian answered. "Right on my hapless head. After I removed Salome from her precarious position draped over the wall, the meaning of my wet turban caused us a moment of levity."

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