Chapter One

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It was a quiet sunny morning, birds singing which would have been ideal but really it's traffic you would hear. You can't see the sky either it's too lit up with city lights hell, its rare if you even see the moon here. Waking up Io Haruto is walking to school,he's an average boy 5'4 freshman with black emo hair wearing the Ouro uniform which was just a simple white blazer and black slacks with the school symbol on it and the ID and a black undershirt. He isn't emo though he just looks emo he's just one out of the many people he hangs out with. He grunted walking through the school gates walking to his homeroom. "Hey Io!" somebody calls out. He turned around seeing it was his  friend Marato Isari, a skinny boy with white hair always combed up. "Oh hey Maruto how are you?" he replies. "Greaaaaat man i finally got a good grade in Phys Eds for once it's a miracle a true miracle.!" "Oh yea? What  cha' get?" "A C-" 

He bursted out laughing. "Hey shut up my parents are proud of me for once, can't i just have my one moment of glory?" Io rolled his eyes walking into homeroom setting his stuff down his desk getting a cold pancake from his backpack. He took a bite of it watching the usual boring announcements, currently someone was running for student council president. It was your basic propaganda just trying to  convince you to  actually vote for them and that their better then everyone though its just lies. Surprisingly they even have a student council in a school of boys hell they have a whole cheerleading squad for boys. 

Io didn't care about clubs mainly only one he joined was theater he is after all known for being a drama geek. He just pulled out a piece of paper beginning to sketch Light Yagami from Death Note out of bordem. He had homework but never did it mainly just playing Fallout 4 on PC to him Fallout was more important then homework in  everyway...perhaps that's the reason he has an F is almost every class. Gym being the last elective he had is the worse, most people are gay and it's just like prison their you wouldn't want to even change when their around oh and word of advice don't drop the soap. He was straight though boys didn't interest him breasts did he could be pervy this school is so corrupted some boys crossdress so the boys wouldn't have to feel like they were dating men. 

It was the beginning of first period, English the worst class he or anyone else could think of not helping that the English teacher was a 50 something year old man being the most boring person ever alive. Nobody in this school liked anything be it Math, Social Studies you name it and they have it as its the most boring classed they have in this school. It was on the 4th floor out of the 6 floors in the entire school. The school had a big cafeteria as well of course you can always leave to nearby fast food places it only being a Starbucks they always see girls their ordering pumpkin spice lattes but its better then school food in all honesty. Io nearly fell asleep a few times but he stayed awake for the boring lesson ocassionally taking his phone out to go on it. 1st period was over and time flew by to lunch. Io and Marato began walking to Starbucks talking about anime. They walked in, "Oh hey Io, Marato!" a girl said. This girl being Nai Karuta a girl with long dark pink hair she wanted to be unique out of everyone else. They sat down having their lunch, "So whats up with you?" she asked. "Nothing absolutely nothing." Io said. "I GOT A C IN PHYSSS EDSSS!!!" He shouted happily. "Sir please keep it down" an employee asked. Marato apologized as Io and Nai snickered. "So wheres the other 2?" Io asked. "Um..their at the Cafeteria eating lunch since they couldn't afford Starbucks today."  Nai replied. "Hey guys! Have you ever heard of New Tree Asylum?" Marato questioned. "Nope." They both replied . "Oh well it's a old Asylum known for crude torture and experiments sounds fake though." "Yea." they both replied.

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