Short: So, Now They Know

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AN: This is the first of a few shorts I want to do. These shorts are not crucial to the story, they are just fun little disconnected ideas I have, and will only ever last one part. Enjoy :)



"How exactly are you two gonna tell the public about your little relationship you have going on here?" Cyborg gestured toward us, we were huddled up next to each other on the couch, watching a movie with the team. It was on TV, and as usual, there were commercials every five minutes.

"Do we have to?" replied Beast-boy, raising an eyebrow sceptically, "Why can't we just let them find out on their own?"

"To be honest," I continued, "I'm surprised they haven't worked it out already, or there should be at least some speculation."

Cyborg rolled his eyes, "Do you two not read the fan page?"

"Hell no! Dude, I have read one too many fan-fictions to ever go back on there again!" We laughed, but he stood his ground, "You know some of the freaky crap people post on there."

"I do, but it's really got better recently."

"We'll take your word for it, what's your point?" urged Robin, shifting in his chair.

"I'll show you," he pulled out his communicator, typed for a bit, before saying, "This is just the most recent post." I groaned, and rolled my eyes, this is not going to be good.

"'OMG did you see BB and Raven hug after that last fight, so cute!' and these are the comments, 'I know right, they'd make the cutest couple!' 'Are you kidding me? that could never happen!' 'Yes it could! Just because you will never find someone as perfect for you as they are for each other!' 'They're as different as two people can get!' 'Have you never heard of opposites attract?' 'I have, but it's complete crap, they're too different!' 'You underestimate the power of true love.' Then there is a lot more saying basically the same thing, damn you two have a lot of fan girls. Not as many as Robstar over here," he jabbed his thumb in their direction, "But still a good number. You two created quite a riot." He continued scrolling, obviously interested in the 'riot' we'd created.

Starfire, pulled her eyebrows together, confused, "What are these fan girls you speak of?"

"People who obsess over a certain thing, like Beast-boy and that science fiction show, what's it called?" I said, turning to Beast-boy, who looks back at me sarcastically. "What?"

"Really, you don't know the name of my favourite show?"

"Should I?"

"Oh, whatever."

Before I knew what he was doing, I heard a snap, and looked up to see Beast-boy holding his communicator with a picture of us on it. "What are you doing?" I asked sceptically, his face held a mischievous grin.

"Twitter." he laughed quietly.

"Dude! What are you doing! Have you not seen this!" said Cyborg, holding out his communicator, with the still open fan page on it.

"That's why I'm doing it, just a little experiment." he closed the communicator and leant back on the chair.

"You realize at least three fan girls heads have just metaphorically exploded, right?" said Robin, smirking.

Cyborgs eyes widen, "Umm... BB, exactly how many followers do you have on Twitter?"

"Just over a hundred-thousand, why...?" his smile broadened, already anticipating the answer.

"Because I just refreshed the page, and that picture is already on here three times, with a combined amount of 34 comments."

"What did I say, three." said Robin, pretending to wipe his nails on his shirt.

"Look at you, just like Sherlock Holmes." I said sarcastically.

"Well, I was raised by the world's greatest detective."


I punched my fist into the robots metal jaw, making its head fly clean off. I heard a clank behind me and turned to see Beast-boy ripping the head off another, he turned back into a human. "Will you please look after yourself!"

"Hey, that's my line!" he laughed quickly, then winked and got back to fighting. How on earth haven't they worked it out yet? I thought to myself, cleaving the arms off yet another robot. I turned again, they were almost completely cleaned out, there were three left, unfortunately the guy who'd left them for us had gotten away.

I walked over to Beast-boy, and held out my hand to him, he was sitting, exhausted, on the sidewalk. He took it, hoisting himself onto his feet. The news crews had just arrived, or should I say immured, with cameras and sound equipment. I looked at them, raised an eyebrow, smirked, and looked at Beast-boy, who was giving me exactly the same look.

I grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him toward me, and put my other hand around the back of his neck, pressing my lips into his, his hands finding my waist. I heard cameras flash a little way away, I wasn't sure if it was directed at us, but I didn't care either way. When we broke apart however, it was clear that it was directed at us. I side glanced at the news crews, before smiling once again at Beast-boy.

"Shall we go?"

"We shall." he turned into a falcon, took off, and I followed close behind, looking back at the shocked faces of the reporters. We laughed all the way back to the tower.


"Well, it's official, you're the newest 'Super Couple'." said Cyborg, walking into the common room, and dumping a magazine in front of me. The picture of us had made the front page, with the heading, 'Newest Titan Couple, Can It Last?' I took a sip of my tea, and opened my mouth for a piece of waffle. It makes its way into my mouth, and I chew it slowly as I read the article.

"Don't tell me you like those things?" said Cyborg, sticking out his tongue.

"They're not so bad once they're covered in syrup." I replied, closing the now completed article, it wasn't very long or interesting, but I can't blame them, it's not like they had much to go on.

"That's my girl!" said Beast-boy, smiling and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You two are sickeningly sweet together, you know that?" said Cyborg, going to make himself some waffles.

I looked over to Beast-boy and smiled, "I know."

Look After Yourself (A teen titans fan-fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن