Authors Note: I'm sorry.

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in... a long frigging time... I feel really bad. I have had no time at all to write. But good news, I may have some free time coming up, so I will hopefully have time to update, though they won't be anywhere near as frequent as they have been in the past.

So anyway, here's the deal my lovelies. I need some help. I'm stuck, it's been so long since I wrote this that I'm completely out of the groove as it were. I need you to get involved, get yo brains in gear and assist me in the creation of ideas.  Because I'm completely out of them... :3

Sssssooooo! What should have happened to BB? What should happen to the team later on? And most importantly... I was thinking of writing a story set in the future, about the TTA and the Kids, would any of you read it? 'Cause I really love the characters, but I'm not sure if any of you do, so let me know. Please be honest, I don't want to waste my time with it.

That is all. Please Please Please comment or message me. I would really love your feedback.

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