First Day Back

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I grabbed a piece of toast and stuck it in my mouth as I ran straight out of my house and almost fell right into Lucifer, again. All last semester I'd almost always fell into him, knocked him over or hit him accidentally with my bag. This time I stopped myself though, trying my best not to make the silly mistake again. I took a bite out of the toast and fixed my sports bag, smiling at him.
"Hey lucifer!" I was practically jumping I was so excited-I couldn't wait for cheer practise! If you hadn't already guessed I'm one of those 'go happy hyper cheerleaders' as lucifer calls them. I couldn't help it- I just try to see the best in people, and so I try to be happy all the time.
"Ugh..your already hyper and it's only 7:25am" he groaned as he ran his hand through his hair. I smiled at him as I nodded, and didn't feel surprised at what he was wearing. Typical black shoes and pants, white top and black plain jacket blazer thingy,That's what I called it to annoy him anyway.
"Come on! Let's go! Can't be late on the first day back!" I started walking forward and he walked with me, looking at me for a brief moment before looking ahead again. I wasn't in my cheer uniform yet, which is why I assumed he looked at me. Rather than wearing the white and pale light blue coloured cheer dress, I was wearing my white trainers, a pale blue skirt and a white coloured top with the long sleeves folded over with blue on the end. I had a thing for wearing those colours and I happened to be lucky enough to be in the school that chose light blue and white as their colours, so I was perfectly happy and comfortable performing in the schools cheerleading uniform.
"You seem more hyper today than last year." Lucifer groaned "you haven't changed one bit."
"Well, least I'm not moaning after having 2weeks off!" I kept my happy tone and smile on, knowing that if I stayed positive my new term would go fine, just like the last one...right?
I moved my hand so it was holding my bag on my shoulder as we turned onto the street that had the school at the very end, and I looked up at the beautiful blue sky and the cherry blossom trees that went right the way up the street and into the school. There was quite a distance between each one, but once in the school they where everywhere. Apart from in the classrooms of course, but look out of any window and your bound to see a lovely cherry tree.
"I love Spring! And it's came early this year!" I pushed a strand of my lilac hair behind my ear and kept walking ahead.
"Yeah, it's ok so long as you don't choke on a petal." I bit my lip and remembered what happened to Lucifers friend last year- He almost choked to death on a petal. He's fine and he survived, and he still loves to sit around the trees and draw them. He's very artistic and said to me and lucifer that he wasn't going to let one 'silly little incident' stop him from drawing, but lucifer is still worried I think.
We stopped at the gates and I smiled at him, just managing to get a small smile back before we walked into the main gates.
"Well, design technology here I come." Lucifer sounded a bit more positive which, to me, was good.
" and cheerleading practise for me." He nodded and stretched for a brief moment before continuing to walk with me.
"Fancy going to library with me? We still have half an hour before lesson starts." Lucifer asked as we entered the main building.
"It's only 7:35?" I asked
"Yeah, it usually does only take us 10minuets to get from your house to school" lucifer reminded me while giving me a look that said 'you baka, how can you not remember that?'.
"Oh yeah.." I started to walk toward the library "let's go then!" I called back to him. He jogged up to me and then walked with me to the library.
"I hope Sawako is in! And Yurko" I added Yurko's name into my sentence because I knew otherwise lucifer would question why I didn't want to see his friend too-to be completely honest I'm still worried about the whole petal incident, even though I know it won't stop him from being outside around the trees.
I spotted Sawako and started to walk toward her, and I was sure lucifer was following me until I sat opposite her.

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