A New Friend

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I jogged past everyone who was leaving the school and into the changing rooms, lightly bumping into a few people but apologising each time. Quickly I got changed, not wanting to be one of the last in again.With time to spare I decided to go get the bag of cheerleading poms, but As I did though I realised something, that I didn't feel as happy as usual. I guess I was annoyed at Lucifer for being so rude. He just had to be rude didn't he? He couldn't just brush it off like I did, couldn't just laugh and shake his head, he just had to be horrible!  I angrily picked up the bag of poms from the P.E. Storage room, and slammed the door loudly-so loudly that it echoed down the now empty hall. I slung the bag onto my shoulder properly and sighed, mumbling softly
"I don't know why I bother with him sometimes.."
I lifted my head up though and smiled, concentrating on the fact I could show the rest of the group how I could do the air backflip stunt that would probably mean we would win the cheerleading nationals that start two weeks from now.
Suddenly I bumped into something and stumbled backwards, dropping the bag off my shoulder and sending five poms sliding in front of me. I looked up and saw someone looking at me and gasped
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I cried as I grabbed the bag handle and stuffed two of the poms back into the bag.
"It's ok, I'm sorry too! I should of been looking where I was going.." He knelt down and I picked another two poms up and smiled at him as I put them into the bag. I reached for the last one that was between us, but he did it at the exact same time and his hand landed right on top of mine. I felt myself blushed faintly but quickly moved my hand to my face and pushed some of my hair behind my ears.
"Oops, sorry.." I said and smiled awkwardly as he handed me the last pom. I stuffed it into the bag and stood up, slinging it onto my shoulder.
"Um, sorry again about bumping into you.." He said as he stood up and I just smiled genuinely this time.
"No problem. I have to go or else I'll be late for cheer practise, but I'm sorry-again." He nodded at me.
"I'm sorry again too. My names Kio, I'm new so see you around..?"
"Oh, your new! Explains why your here so late on the first day back. Oh where are my manners!My names Ayuki and yeah! Definitely see you round!"
He smiled as I jogged past, moving his hand through his black hair. He had red eyes which was new-I hadn't really seen that before but I didn't want to judge so I ignored it.

♡4Days later[Friday Morning]♡

Ayuki's diary entry-Friday morning♡
Today will have to be a quick entry, but I haven't written in here since Saturday-the last day of the winter holiday! Anyway, I met a guy called Kio on Monday and he seems really nice! Turns out he's in my maths and art class, which is cool! Means we get to chat sometimes and I've already introduced him to Yurko, but Lucifer hasn't been talking to me in that class. He's still been walking to school with me.Guess he's still in a mood with me, but hopefully the fair tomorrow after school will cheer him up! Anyway, I can see him coming down the road so I'll write again soon(hopefully!) love Ayuki♡♡♡

I finished my toast quickly, and stepped out my door just before Lucifer walked next to my door and I turned to him, smiling.
"Good morning!" I moved so I was by him and we walked next to one another, like usual.
"Morning." He said dully. We spoke a bit, about our art homework, but other than that we were silent. The second we stepped onto school ground he practically disappeared, leaving me completely alone...just like he'd done yesterday..and Wednesday and Tuesday..
"Hey Ayuki!" A male voice said happily. I turned around confused but instead of seeing a random person who knew my name from reading the sports notice board(it would have all the cheerleaders names on) I saw Kio! I smiled widely and he returned my smile.
"Hey Kio, how are you?"
"I'm great now that I've seen you." He winked and walked so he was standing next to me, and I blushed heavily. Quickly I turned to face him and then began to walk into school with him, still blushing.
"Thanks..I guess?" I giggled a bit and he chuckled with me.
"You've gotta admit, my pick up lines are good."
I smiled ahead and laughed slightly again.
"Yeah..they're okay." I teased. We laughed together and I paused when I usually would say goodbye and just go to cheer or to meet the track team.
"Hey..um, me and some of my friends are going to the fair tonight after school..so do you fancy coming with us..?" I asked, fixing my bag strap, trying to avoid making eye contact.
"Tonight? That'd be really cool! Are you sure?" He asked and I looked up at him, nodding.
"It'd be great if you came! Yurko is going and I can introduce you to my friend Sawako and Lucifer."
He smiled warmly at me and I smiled back, proud of myself for not blushing. I always felt nervous asking people if they wanted to go to places with me, but I guess it's just me being silly, little silly fear I guess. For a bit we just looked at each other, but I broke the silence by saying
"Well, I better get going-got to help get the football teams posts out and get the cheerleading poms!"
"Yeah ok..but um, here's my number if you wanna text me the details for tonight.." He got out his phone so I quickly got mine out and made a contact. He read his number out and I typed it in.
"Okay that's great!" I smiled."but let me get a contact picture!" I giggled and quickly snapped a picture of him, he looked funny because he was laughing at me.
"Hey, no fair! Delete that!" He laughed
"No can do, I've got to go!" I turned and dashed down the hallway before he could stop me and heard him chuckle as I went. Well, today should be fun, I thought to myself as I skipped into the changing rooms and smiled again. I'd got over my fear of asking people if they wanted to go places with me and all my close friends were going the fair.  This day couldn't get any better!

[♡End of chapter 2 :A New Friend♡]

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