The Day Of The Fair

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The rest of the day dragged on for what felt like forever! I kept checking the time every 10 minuets, only to be disappointed that it wasn't instantly the end of every lesson.
After what felt like an eternity it was FINALLY the end of last lesson, and I wanted to jump for joy! I skipped out of last lesson, and pretty much skipped all the way home, and got changed into a white jumper and a pair of light blue jeans. After fixing up my makeup I put my phone into my pocket, and made my way back to the school gates, seeing that Sawako, Yurko and lucifer were waiting for me.
"You are always last, or late, for everything." Lucifer Grumbled, folding his arms moodily.
"Actually I'm not last! I've invited my new friend, Kio, to come with us!" I beamed up at him and the others.
"Oh. He seemed really nice" Yurko said politely and used his head to indicate that I should look behind me. I turned and smiled more, seeing Kio walking up toward us. He almost looked shy...but his eyes seemed to sharpen when lucifer made a huffing sound at him.
"I'm so sorry I took so long..." Kio started, but was rudely interrupted by lucifer.
"Can we just go already? It doesn't matter who's late." He turned and started walking and I looked at Yurko and Sawako confused, since just a few moments ago he had been complaining about how I was always late! I shrugged it off and gave Kio and apologetic look as we all walked with Lucifer toward where the fair was.
Kio leaned down and whispered to me "If me being here makes things awkward then I can make up an excuse and leave..." he looked awkward and kind of...cute...
"Don't be silly!" I whispered back "Lucifer is just a bit grumpy at times- it'll be lots of fun and he'll calm himself down soon, so don't worry" I smiled softly at him, and he grinned in return. tonight WILL be great. And I am not letting anyone ruin it for me!...besides, all my friends are here, so no one will ruin it anyway!
After walking in pretty much silence for the rest of the way there, we all looked up and grinned at the sight of the fair finally popping up in the distance. I saw lucifer turn to me and smirk a bit.
"race you all there..." he said and broke out into a sprint, as Yurko yelled
"HEY! no fair!" Then ran after Him. Kio and sawako laughed and ran after them, and I ran with them, going as fast as I could to catch up with lucifer. Yurko slowed Down as I caught up with them.
"SHES CATCHING UP TO YOU!" Yurko yelled, teasing Lucifer. I just giggled softly, making eye contact with lucifer as we ran. He smiled a bit at me, then ran ahead of me again.
Nothing will ruin this for me...nothing...
[♡End of chapter 3- The Day Of The Fair'♡]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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