Chapter 19

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It took us what I believe was a few hours before Tobias was able to regain his composure. Even then, his hands still trembled in a way I had never seen before. You could definitely say I worried about him more than one probably should, but his current welfare nearly had me tearing my hair out. It is totally my own fault that I was kidnapped in the first place, evidently making him set out on his own rescue mission that landed us here in this tiny compartment. Seeing the pain wrack his body again and again, struggling to catch his breath and not even want to move away from the corner of the room makes me feel sick to my stomach. I have to do something, no matter how drastic.

Shauna had begun pacing, only managing to walk four steps before she swivels dramatically on her heal and walks in the opposite direction. This isn't helping me feel any less nauseous.

I don't think anybody quite believed that Uriah had changed as much as was let on to them. Every so often, Christina would shake her head in disbelief. Muttering words such as "Just can't believe he would..." and "What did we do to deserve this..."

We all knew that should Uriah had been acting his usual self, he would never have done this to anyone. The proof is that even though Christina wasn't as close to Uriah as both Shauna and I were, she still cannot believe he would do this to us.

I always thought that being part of Dauntless was to be the bravest of them all, but in some ways, to be able to encourage bravery in everyday life, there has to be an aspect of support. I know I have only been a part of Dauntless for a short period of my life and during initiation we were pitted against each other, but when that was all over I've never seen anything from my peers but loyalty.

"This is going to drive me insane." Christina whispers under her breath, drawing me back into the present.

Tobias glances quickly in her direction and by the faint ticking in his jaw, I don't think he was too impressed with her comment.

"What are we going to do, even if we get out?" I ask.

Once again, nobody seems to have an answer for my question. I look at their blank, muted faces awaiting a response. Any plan would do, no matter how stupid. We have to do something to get Tobias out of this room.

As if we had the same mind, Shauna's gaze falls upon the door at the same moment mine does. How sturdy can the deadbolt really be? I nod for Shauna to make the first move – her boots are much sturdier than mine – and stand back as much as I physically can.

Crash. Crash. Crash.

The door hasn't moved an inch, although there is a decent size indent in the shape of a footprint in the timber.

I hear a grunt from behind and look down to see Tobias still sitting in the corner, although is head is now lolling as if detached from his body. I move swiftly to his side and raise his head in my hands so I can see into his eyes. I keep my distance as much as possible. His breathing is still worryingly erratic.

"We're going to get you out of here, don't – " He cuts me off sharply and points in the direction of his feet. I don't understand what he's trying to tell me.

"Shoe – Tris – Knife!" He stutters through breaths, in a voice unlike his own. I pull off his shoe immediately and find the knife. Not like the ones we usually throw during initiation or for entertainment, but one my mother would use to prepare food in the kitchen.

"The doors got a deadbolt, unlocking the door handle won't get us out of here."

"It will make it easier to kick down, though." Obviously taking his mind away from the figurative enclosing four walls, his breathing has returned to normal.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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