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"I'M BORED!" Yelled a pretty tired boy in the middle of lesson making everyone around him- as well as the teacher- look at him.

"Kim Taehyung! Was it necessary to say that out loud?" The teacher stopped writing on the chalk board and peered over her shoulder to eye the boy. Taehyung just shrugged along with a cute pout slowly sinking into his chair, he didn't want to go through a boring lesson of maths.

"Not going to answer me?" Mr. Ho demanded crossing he arms across his chest standing fearlessly staring at the normally angelic student but now rebelling, he can't let this angel turn into a devil. Taehyung let out a small huff out of his lips as he looked out of the window.

The trees look nice, spring is usually still cold and the leaves barely recover but right now its so pretty. Thoughts float in Taehyung's mind as he slowly twirls his hair. Lush green leaves swaying along with the whistling of the wind, grass glittering under the sunlight with daffodils, daisies and poppies. So pretty.

"After school today." A simple statement left the teachers lips leaving the class in shock, but Taehyung was un-phased however hearing the teacher clearly. His class stared at him, unable to process that Taehyung- Kim Taehyung, has to stay after school. But when the teacher scraped the chalk board with his nails everyone seemed to jump in their seats hastily.

Yet again, Taehyung didn't move, instead the bored expression stayed on his face as he continued to look out of the window. Everything seemed to be too bright- too happy than any other day, or it may be the fact that it just turned spring.

Without realising what time it is the bell echoed throughout the building; It was the end of the day.

Everyone started packing away and rushing out of class except from Taehyung... Who seemed to have a mini mental crisis.

Did I have to say that out loud?! What was I thinking?! How can I don something like that, I would never- What happens in after school detentions? Do they beat up the student? Do they kILL THE SO THAT THEY WILL BE QUIET FOREVER?! DO THEY USE A KNIFE OR A GU-

"Kim Taehyung, Please come here." Was all that echoed through Taehyung's mind at the moment. He stayed frozen still in his desk, not sure if to run out and hope the teacher doesn't pull anything crazy.

"Kim Taehyung, If you don't come here now your punishment will be worse." Shivers travelled down his spine as he suddenly felt more cold, he gulped trying to suppress the tears stinging in the corners of his eyes. Hesitantly, he stand up from his seat and walk over towards the teacher, letting his head hang low so that the teacher wouldn't see his disgusting state.

"Taehyung," He started off. "Why did you shout in lesson?" He questioned the boy intensely- in his opinion.

Tae stayed as quiet as he possibly could as he stared at the ground holding his hands behind his back, tears threatening to come out any time soon, thus he let my light brown cover both of his eyes. The teacher let out an annoyed sigh because of the student not answering back.

"I understand that this is your first time after school but I don't want you turning into the other kids- All loud and disrespectful." The teacher grabbed my shoulders squeezing them tightly. I nod slightly still not looking up.

"Go and take a seat, you'll stay for an hour." Teacher notes as he leaves locking the room behind himself.

Taehyung finally looks up at the wooden door as he flops into the nearest seat next to him, he didn't know that this would happen. He pulled out his phone and was surprised when he saw how much notifications he has- and all from the same thing. The group chat.

Jiminie: TaEhYuNg!

Kookie: That's great use of caps hyung >___>

Jiminie: Hush maknae

Kookie: No...

Jiminie: OBEY YOUR HYUNG! ಠ_ಠ

Kookie: I'm not obeying a jamless shorty


Kookie: dont... you... dare...

Kookie: Omf you're actually coming!

Kookie: NO! DON'T!

Jiminie: Taehyungie~ Where are you?

Kookie: ;-; Hyung, Jimin is being mean to me


Kookie: Tae~? Where are you (^з^)-☆

Jiminie: call me hyung maknae

Kookie: Tae hyung~ please hurry up.

Jiminie: dont ignore me

Kookie: Tae Hyung? are you ok? you're normally really active on these conversations. Hyung~

Kookie: ;--; TaeTae Hyung?

Jiminie: I'm getting worried. Taehyungie~?

Jiminie: Should we call the ambulance?

Kookie: or the police?

Taehyung groaned as he threw his head back in defeat, how is he suppose to tell them what happened if the teacher is suppose to come back any time soon.

I failed miserably... The vmin feels are slowly coming to me.. ;-;

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