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Everest's PoV

"Girls I think there's something up, you two always say you dislike your aunt but I feel like her making these assumptions and talking to Evee in that manner is crossing a line." Uncle Dan said.

We hadn't told him that she slapped me, she does that a lot, but we don't tell anyone. It's going to be over soon anyway.

"Yes but we can handle it." Monica said.

"I don't want you girls living like this. If anything happens, know that you can come strait here any time before we close for the day or you can call me, I'll come and get you from your home, I promised to help your mother and her daughters need to be taken care of." Uncle Dan said to us.

"Thanks uncle Dan" we said.

The bell on top of the door rang signalling someone had come in.

"I knew you would be here." Connor said.

"You need to get out." I said bluntly.

Uncle Dan had gone to the back of the store for a while because Monica said it would be a good idea for them to leave us for a few minutes.

"What do I need to do to win you back?" Connor asked.

"You need to leave me alone." I said.

"And then I'll win you back?" He asked.

"No." I bluntly replied again.

"Well then I won't leave, I asked how to win you back."

"Maybe I don't want you back." I replied.

"Is this because you just don't want to be with me?" he asked.

"Obviously if I'm saying I don't want you back it means I don't want to be in a relationship with you Connor, we had our time but it's over now, I really don't want to deal with this right now." I said trying to reason with him without getting too angry, I was wrapping bouquets and had to be delicate.

"Wait, is this about your mum? Did she say something? I know you've been distant-"  as far as Connor was concerned I had told him my mum was just strict so we shouldn't hang out at my house as much, he didn't know my mum was in hospital.

"Don't talk about my mum and get out. What is going on in my life shouldn't matter to you Connor." I said relatively calmly.

"Connor," Monica piped up, she had come up behind me. "I think you need to leave."

All he did was make eye contact with me a final time before walking out of the store.

"Your making me soft, I hate you"  Monica said before punching me in the arm as a 'joke' (even though is was incredibly painful). Yep, that's my female dog of a sister, I was wondering where she's been.


"So hang on she broke up with Connor because of her liking Luke?" Uncle Dan said, Monica was talking about my love life and felt the need to mention Luke.

It was nearing the end of the day and we were all a bit tired, I was just cleaning up the store a bit but Monica and uncle Dan were behind the desk talking.

"Nooooo she broke up with Connor because he's a douche but she won't admit that she likes Luke." Monica said, I was waiting for this conversation to end because I knew it would be longer if I was involved, but this had been going on for a good 20 minutes.

So I cut in "Okay wait uncle Dan, Monica is making half of this up-"

"No I'm not! I swear she is just in denial!" Monica defended.

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