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The next two weeks were full of sorting out uni accommodation and such.

Before we new it prom had come around.

I woke up that morning and Luke had texted me, he always did to say good morning, even if he would say it again when he saw me.

I talked to him for a bit before hopping into the shower.

When I went downstairs I saw that Monica was also there eating a bowl of cereal.

Ashton had asked her recently to go to prom with him, but apparently it was strictly a 'friend' thing.

We lounged around for a bit before getting ready, which let me tell you, took a while.

I blowdried my hair ruffly (almost 80% dry, not that you care), then blowdried straightened the rest, then went over it with a straightener lightly, that process itself took around 2 hours.

I needed to let my hair rest and cool or else when I curled it, the curls would all fall out.

Luke had called me and stared telling me how he went to get something and how a old women at the till was telling his some story about goodness knows what.

I was laughing for a very large part of that conversation before I realised I had to go.

After that I curled my hair, which actually meant I hair sprayed, curled And re hair sprayed.

Then I needed to do makeup, now let me tell you I'm mediocre when it comes to makeup but Monica is a wizard.

I called her in and couldn't help but burst out laughing, she had all her makeup done but her hair was still strait, I should mention I'm the wizard at hair.

I set her down and curled all of her short hair, which she had grown a bit so it was now just past her shoulders, I curled it in a way that just suited her, the wavy curls framed her face.

She did my makeup and now all I had to do was slip into my dress, which was good because it was nearly 5:00.

I put on my dress and Monica zipped it up from the back, Monica putting on hers.

Then we just put earrings and other accessories on before putting our heals on along with getting our clutches.

I was making my way downstairs when the doorbell rang.

"I got it," I said, but my mum quickly stopped me.

"Everest I've got it don't worry" she said opening the door,

"Luke you look lovely" she said smiling at him before stepping aside so I could see him.

His hair was styled perfectly, it was always done perfect but today it was just a bit... Softer.

He was dressed in a black suit and tie, I had never actually seen him so formal.

"Everest, you look stunning" he said handing me a bouquet of flowers. But not just any flower, white and red roses, my two favourite types.

I took them and thanked him before he leaned down and kissed me.

"Now please don't get going just yet I need group pictures" my mum said before taking several pictures of me and Luke. Then she moved on to me and Monica.

A few moment later there was a knock on the door and Ashton was there, mum took several group pictures before we were aloud to go.

"Okay, all of you stay safe and take care," she said before we all left.

I was going with Luke in his car and Monica was going with Ashton.

"I forgot to give you this" Luke said pulling out a broach, I had already given him mine.

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