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Me and Monica hadn't said a word to each other until she stopped the car outside our house.

She leaned back in her chair and let out a puff of air.

"I'm not ready for this" Monica said looking at me, I could tell she was about to cry.

"I'm not ready to know I have to say goodbye again" she said, I leaned over and gave her a hug.

"I'm with you" I said,

"Evee please sit next to me when we're in there" she said as we walked towards the house.

"Sure" I said and she opened the door,

We walked into the living room where my mum was sat down. We could hear my dad was in the kitchen.

We quickly got changed out of our clothes and into some fresh ones, since we were still in the clothes we wore to work.

We came downstairs and my dad was setting down cups of coffee on our centre table in front of our sofas.

Me and Monica sat down next to each other on one sofa, our parents on another.

We all sat in silence for a moment, no one wanted to say a word because we all hated having this conversation.

"I really hate having to say these things" my dad said rubbing his face with his hands.

"I... Got a call a few days ago to confirm what date I would be leaving and what date is be able to visit and come back."

Me and Monica stayed quiet, my mum had her hand linked with my dad's.

"I leave in about two weeks" he said,

Okay that hurt but what came next was worse.

"I'll be gone for around 8 months" he said.

Monica's face fell into her hands, she was sobbing uncontrollably. I leaned back and covered my mouth with the back of my hand while trying to stop tears. 8 months? It hurt to think about, he's been back for a month only to leave again for so long.

I couldn't handle it, once one tear fell millions followed.

Neither of us could speak.

My mum had obviously heard of this earlier, she was controlling her tears but I could tell they were threatening to spill.

"Girls I'm sorry" he said, "I'm going to try and make it to your graduation, I'll do whatever I can to get there," he said,

My dad could potentially miss our graduation, and he wouldn't be there for us to say goodbye for college, so there's no knowing the next time we would see dad.

Me and Monica are going to opposite sides of the country for college/uni, so we can only see our dad on breaks, and that's if he's at home.

I feel like my entire family is splitting up, we're all going to be in different places, none of us together.

"Girls I love you both a lot and I want you to know that" my dad said.

I felt like I could burst, the atmosphere of the room was suffocating.

Monica leaned into me and I hugged her as she cried. I was just as a mess as she was.

My dad got up and walked towards us, Monica got up and hugged him.

My mum could read me like a book, I wanted to get out of the situation, before it became unbearable.

Impossible two.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant