JULY 21st-Thursday

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Hi, I'm Will. I'm just a simple 16 years old teenager who is obsessed with music and medic stuff. If you want to know, I'm gay. Anyway, right now I'm preparing for high school which I'm not even psyched about. My summer was pretty much boring, I literally have nothing to do except for helping my mom do some chores, practice my cello or compose a little music piece on the keyboards (which all seems to fail). As I was saying, my summer was pretty boring until the di Angelo family moves in next door.
Of course, my mom went out to meet them, pulling me along. At first I didn't felt like going, but I thought, how bad will it be?
When I got outside to greet them, all my gaze focused on the Raven-black haired boy. He looked around my age, though I'm a foot taller than he is. He was quite skinny and his skin was pale, but the look on his face tells me he could punch anyone's teeth out. His hair was tied up in a small ponytail, uugh.. He is just so CUTE. Before I realized, I was staring at him, I snapped myself back to reality.
"Hi, I'm Will, Will Solace." I introduced myself as I shook his hand. Eesh, his hand was as cold as ice!
"I'm Nico" he said in a very quiet voice.
"And how about them?" I asked, pointing to the two girls beside him.
"That's my sister, Bianca"- he points to the girl who looks a few years older, she had long, wavy, dark brown hair- "and that's Hazel, my half-sister."-he points to the girl with puffy, cinnamon colour hair and milk chocolate coloured skin.
My mom is a very talkative lady, so I left her talking with Nico's mom, and showed the three of them around the house.
When we reached my room, Nico's sister, Bianca, said she had to go and Hazel went to use the bathroom, leaving Nico with me. I showed him my room even though it's a mess. With music sheets, books, pens and bags scattered across my desk and floor. First time I felt a little embarrassed about my room. So yeah, we started to chat, asking questions to each other and all that. And this is what I found out about him:
(ABOUT TO ATTEND) HIGH SCHOOL: Half-Blood High (same here!!)
FAV MUSIC BAND: Imagine Dragon (A/N: since their songs kinda relates to Nico, If you pay attention to the lyrics)
HOBBIES: nothing much in particular, probably reading horror stories.
(I wasn't trying to stalk him, I'm just keeping this chart so that I don't have to ask him every time.)
There's this one moment when he found one of my incomplete music pieces.
"What's this?" He asked, holding the music sheet. "You wrote it?"
"Yeah, it's for the cello"-I pointed to my cello that was held in a stand, which was places against the wall- "you wanna lis--"
Then I was interrupted by Hazel coming into my room.
"What's up?" She said, smiling.
"Will was just bragging about his music skills." Nico said, teasingly.
"Oh," Hazel replied, then turning her attention to me, "about music, what do you do? Do you write music?"
I said yes, then point at Nico, who was still holding the paper. As he passes me the sheet of paper, I felt his finger brushes against mine, sending a chill through my arm. Nico quickly let go of the paper and looked away. Weird. Wait, was he blushing? Does that mean.... No, he's probably straight. It's just a coincidence.
I was about to show them how the piece sounds like when Bianca came in, saying they're about to go. GREAT. I mean who doesn't like being interrupted while trying to brag about themselves??
I spent the evening after dinner composing and continue writing my music, using my cello, but I always get distracted. Why? Well, every time I look up to the right, I will be facing a window. And the window was facing Nico's house, facing Nico's bedroom window. His bedroom window was open for some frSometimes I would see Nico walking around in his room, carrying stuffs and cardboard boxes with him. Then the idea came to me.
I left my cello behind me, lift up the window and yelled: "OI NICO!"
I did scared him quite bad, he jumped and nearly tripped over, dropping the cardboard box he was holding. He swore so loud that I was worried that my mom might hear him. Before he pick up the box, he turn his face around-not his body-to me, and at that moment, I'm pretty sure I was going to die, no shit.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" Nico yelled back. Poking his head out the window. Even though Nico was about 20 feet away, I was pretty sure he was blushing.
"Uh, did I scared you a bit... too much?" I asked, loud enough for him to hear me.
"OF COURSE YOU DID! YOU STUPID  *BEEP*BEEP*BEEP*  -&/":&39$*{*{+}%|%}+\€¥\|¥~*<¥,£!|€|^?!¥!!? IDIOT!!!" Nico yelled back with a bunch of cussing. I wanted to yell back at him of his language using, but he shuts his window and seconds later her turns off the light.
What I learned today: scaring people doesn't always work.

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