JULY 23rd-Saturday (Part 1)

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Alright, you wouldn't believe what happened yesterday, I nearly had a heart-attack. JK. I overslept (that's not the exciting part just so you(?) know). I woke up around 9:30AM which was definitely unusual for me. Anyway, I got changed and cleaned up, I head downstairs to the kitchen, and GUESS WHAT, I found myself in front of NICO DI ANGELO, drinking a glass of iced tea.
"Morning." Said Nico, now it's his turn to scare me.
"What... What are you doing here?"
"Your mom invited me over, well not technically, since she said we could come in whenever we liked, so she just..hmm, welcomed me in."
"What? MOM!" I yelled. My mom, who was making pancakes, turn around and smiled, like as if nothing was wrong. I glared at her and back to Nico. I saw a glimpse of his eyes, it was a familiar look, the one that is full of mysterious thoughts. Then an idea hits me.
"Mom, since I have nothing to do, maybe I could go help Nico and his family get their house settled? You know, help with the unpacking and stuff?"
Nico's reaction was priceless. His eyes widen-like a chihuahua, his cheek turned to a color of bright pink, he spit out a bit of ice-tea (luckily, into the glass), and started coughing as if he smoked too much weed. Then things starts to get a little bit... lucky, I guess.
My mom was pretty cool about it. After I finished breakfast, she sort of "shoo" us out the house, saying that I was being very generous, and that it's a good way to spend some more time with others. When we got out the house, Nico punched me -not so hard- in the arm, more like playfully. "You BASTARD."
"Hey, I'm just trying to help! Later when my mom is done with her work, she'll probably come too!" I protested.
"ugh, I hate people." Nico muttered (well, that was my guess), then he changed the subject by saying, "Well, you were slow."
"What was that suppose to mean? Me? Slow at eating?" I asked, or more like challenged.
"Hmm.. I wonder,.. what was the life before you? Possibly a cat, a lazy one, or a stupid one. No wait, probably a stupid and lazy one." He muttered to himself, but I got a strange feeling that I was meant to hear that.
"HEY. I'm here too, alright? I'm not as far away as the sun! I HEARD that." Before I could say anything more, a HUGE- and when I say HUGE, I mean HUGE HUGE- black dog, probably a Bloodhound, leaped onto me, knocking me to ground, as I screamed like a little girl. It started licking me all over the face. Soon, I was wearing a face mask made out of dog drool. That's when I heard Nico laughing beside me, woah, I never heard him laugh before, it was different, like music and a mix of psychotic laughter.
"That'll be my dog, she's called Mrs. O' Leary." Was what I heard between his psychotic laughs. In my mind, I was like, Oh great, now there's a dog!
Nico later showed me his house, which,by the way, is pretty big compared to mine. He told me what needed to be unpacked and placed. Lastly, he showed me his room. I do have to say his room is pretty impressive, I mean he actually organized all the things in his room, which is much tidier than mine. Even though there was a few cardboard boxes lying around on the floor. So I decided to take a look what's inside.
That's when I learned another IMPORTANT LESSON of the day: never ever look or touch anything without the owner's permission.
Back to the what happened, I look into one of the boxes, and found some pirate figurines, they were figurines of Captain Blackbeard, Calico Jack, and Anne Bonny. How did I know them? Well... I used to read history books about piracy. I thought the figurines were pretty cute, so I took one of them to take a closer look. That's when I realized that I was a horrible mistake.
Nico saw me looking at the figurines, he charged (I'm not sure if charge is even the right word, but whatever.) at me, putting on the death glare - as in the I-will-strangle-you-death glare, yelling: "YOU PUT THAT DOWN RIGHT NOW! I SWEAR TO GOD, I WILL CRUSH YOU TO--"
No offence, but he was reacting a bit too much, or way too much. Like I said, Nico is literally a foot shorter than me, but he's literally 10 times stronger than me. Before I realized, I was tackled and flipped over, for some reason I landed on his bed (which is good thing, because I won't experience a few weeks long pain in the back). Then he straddle my waist, pinning my hands above my head, which I was kinda okay with that; but the fact that his nose was only a few inch from mine, glaring down at me, threatening me that if I touch any of his stuffs with or without permission, he would crush my bones, which was a bit not okay.
Then we were interrupted by Hazel and Bianca opening the door.
"Neeks, you okay? We heard--" Bianca asked, but stopped when she saw us.  "Are we...interrupting something?"
Then Hazel started giggling. Great.
I look back at Nico, who had turn into a shade of a tomato. He snatched the pirate figurine out of my hand, he sat back up, then glared at his sisters. If I was smarter, I wouldn't looks at him, his looks are pretty scary. Even his sisters turned away and scramble out the room.
When Nico finally released me, he walked away to continue unpack his things. That's when I wish I've never saw something. His shirt was lifted, revealing  just a small bit of his lower back, on it, was a couple of scars. I knew I wasn't suppose to ask, but I got curious, so I started by asking him this.
"How'd you do that? You know, where did you learned that from?"
"By myself."
I was surprised when he said, because most people would put a hint of proudness in their voice, but Nico sounded as if he was ashamed or even afraid.
A/N: I decided to publish this part first, since it's longer than I thought it would be. So yeah, there's still another half for this, just so you guys know!

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