Chapter 2

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Sorry been forever had no idea where to go after the first chapter and still not quite sure but i don't like giving up on stories so this won't be regular, anyway thanks for waiting.

Chapter 2

The day was lovely, one of the best in the year. This was England we rarely had nice weather like this. I grinned to myself, I couldn't wait till night times when Mary thought I was asleep and the computer was free. 

"You're really dull, Lucy." Mary said to me one day as we were sitting in the garden. "You're awfully boring lately and you seem not to like my clothes and me. Has something changed or have you grown bored of me." I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head. "Mr Blackberry is leering at me a little too much lately. I don't like it. He is old enough to be my father let alone a husband. I don't even know why mum wants me to get married to him." 

Taking out my note pad from my jean pocket I wrote. "Stop wearing outfits that give that impression." 

"What?" She stared at me in disbelief, "I can't do that, and then I wouldn't have any boys my own age wanting to date me." 

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I wrote. 

"Haven't you been listening to me lately?" She fumed I could almost smell the smoke from her ears, pouring out into the room. "My life is more important than your muted one." She screamed throwing my note book onto the floor and slapping me around the face. I went on all fours searching for the note pad. I felt Mary rush passed me and heard the door slam in the distance. I didn't find the note pad on its own. A hand was clammed around it. I looked up to the smiling, handsome face.  

"Here." He handed back the notepad. 

I mouthed a hello to him, and nodded my head. At least Mary wasn't here; this made it easier for me. Tren smiled. 

"I saw what she did to you. You don't have to take it, if you don't want to." I shrugged again. "Look I have this street left and then I'm off. Do you want a drink or something?" 

I looked up at the house, calculating whether or not to go. I surprised myself by rejecting to stay at home. The only thing I was going to get in the house would be a shouting and screaming from Mary. I would get it either way; so why not hold it off a little. I turned back to Tren and nodded. His smile brightened. I had never made that effect on anyone before. Butterflies rose in my stomach. 

"Great. Do you want to wait or come with me I only have three houses left?"I pointed to him. "Ok then." He slipped the letters he held in his hand in our mailbox; then walked out of the gate. I followed him walking by his side. I had never really walked next to anyone else except Mary and never a boy. Normally behind. The habit was hard to overcome but I managed to do it. He finished quickly, small talking while doing so. I only nodded and wrote down the minimum of what I could say. He was rather handsome; his features were delicate yet strong.  

We walked to the high street; there were a few dainty cafes at the lower part of the road. He seemed to have worked out my reluctance of meeting Mary's mum, so had chosen the places furthest from where she shopped.  

He ordered two black coffees and told me to sit down. I sat in the corner so that I could see the door but the people coming in would not notice me unless they looked for me. He came over smiling placing the cups on the table.  

"This is my favourite place. No one ever works out it's here and it's quite." I stared up at the wooden room. The room was simple covered in wooden panels, which matched the floor. I could see why he liked it; the homey feeling that swarmed around the room was relaxing. I realised for the first time that I felt at home.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2011 ⏰

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