A Beutiful Ally

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(Your POV)

You were walking off the bus to your new home location and started looking around at all the beautiful sights, you came here in search for a new guild, being that your old guild tried to kill you using forbidden black magic. You sense someone coming your way and you turn to face them. There hat covered half there face, there long blue hair blew in the wind and they were smiling creepily at you.
"Well well, if it isn't (Y/N)" The mysterious man said with a deep voice "Long time no see"
"Get lost Ivory (Ivory is a member of your old guild) I don't have time for this!!" You say with a fierce tone.
"What are you gonna do if I don't" Ivory said.
You make your hands into a fist.
"Things will get ugly" you say.
"Is that so..." Ivory says with a smirk "Try me"
You run towards Ivory shouting " OPEN GATE, SCORPIO"
Ivory stares calmly at the celestial spirit that you just summoned and laughs.
"Is that the best you got HAHAHAHAHA" Ivory laughs as he takes his hat off, revealing his eyes and staring straight into Scorpio's, Turning him into stone. "Your turn!!!!"
Ivory looks at you and his eyes begin spinning.
Suddenly a girl Jumps in front of you and shouts "Open Gate of the Giant Crab, Cancer!!"
A huge man/crab spirit pops up and starts talking to the girl.
"TAKE HIM DOWN!!!" The girl shouts.
"You got it babe" The crab says and begins attacking Ivory.

Once Ivory is down the girl grabs him and demands him to turn Scorpio back, luckily he did as he was told and I closed his gate. The girl also closed her spirits gate as well.
"Are you okay" She asks me in a sweet voice.
"Now I am" you respond.
"So....you're a celestial wizard?" She asks.
"Yeah, even though I only own Scorpio, I guess you could say I'm a celestial wizard....heh" you respond.
"Wait.... You only own one spirit!?!? She asks.
"Yeah, why?" You respond.
"How long have you been doing celestial magic" She said
"Uhhh....to be honest....I'm kinda new to this stuff" You implied
"Well....I can help you find keys and teach you which ones do what, if you want" She offered.
"Sure." You say smiling "thanks...uhhh...uhhh..."
"Lucy" She says "Lucy Heartfilia"
"(Y/N) (L/N)" you say cheerfully.
"Hey...I have a question, are you in a guild by any chance, I don't see any tattoos resembling any guilds on you" Lucy asked.
"No....I actually just left the guild I was in....it's a long story, I'll tell you later" you say.
"Why don't you join Fairy Tail, Master Mockorov will be sure to let you in" Lucy exclaimed.
"Are you sure, I mean....I don't think anyone would take in a wimpy excuse for a wizard like me" You say with disappointment.
"Don't get so down on yourself" Lucy says with a smile "come on, follow me!"
Lucy holds her hand out for you to grab, you feel yourself starting to blush and look away from her. There was something about her that you didn't understand, she made you feel a way you've never felt before.....what could it mean.....
You get up and grab her hand and she instantly starts running straight for Fairy Tail.

Lucy Heartfilia X Male reader (Warning: Contains Lemons)Where stories live. Discover now