Chapter 1

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Chapter 1-Escaping

Sanea's pov
We've been missing since we were ten years old. Beaten, raped, tortured since then. Cammy, Ari, and I are sitting in this old barn while these sickening men get off on looking at us. Tonight we are escaping. The three of us will run and run and never look back. "Ari, Cammy?" I ask. "Yes?" they both reply. "Promise me that when we see our parents again we will not tell them what happened to us ok? You have to promise me." By this time tears were rolling down my face. They both walk over to me. As I was shivering they both embraced me in a hug making me feel warm. "We promise" Ari replied.

Arianna's pov
Sanea just made us promise to never tell our parents what happened to us. And if she said to never tell we were never going to tell. Even though she's the youngest of us she knows what's best. Were escaping tonight. From the little window by my bed I can see that the three men are too high to know that we will have escaped. We all really want to go home. We've been gone for 4 years. No water no food no clean clothes. Just a smelly old barn and three extremely psycho men. I realize that they left the barn door open so when they go to sleep we can easily just sneak out and run.

Cammy's pov
Ari had to have a plan on getting us out of here. I know when she has plans because she paces back and forth. She's constantly looking out the window and I can just tell. We all really need help. Especially Sanea. She's so sick and many unspeakable things have happened to her in the past 4 years. Escaping is the only way to not have to stay in this sickening place any longer. I haven't eaten in almost 5 years and honestly in my state I can't even tell you what day it is. "Is everyone ready?" Ari asks. "They have finally gone to sleep and now is our one and only chance" Ari said. I quickly grab Sanea lightly being careful not to wake her too loudly. I explain to her what was happening. We all slowly pushed the barn door open and poked our heads out. As soon as it was ok to start running that's all we did. We never stopped, we never looked back, and we never ever regretted our decision to run. Finally after 4 years of being beaten, tortured, and raped were finally escaping.

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