Chapter 4

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Chapter 4-At the hospital

Devin's pov
Me, Daniel, Kevin are currently at the hospital waiting for the results. The doctor had asked what happened to the girls and we said that they were kidnapped when they were 10 years old and now their 14. And that they escaped last night and were banging on my door for help. We told him that they told us they had been raped, beaten, and tortured for four years straight. After that, we were waiting in the waiting room for the doctor to come back with results. The doctor came back and explained everything. He told us that Sanea has a lifelong diagnosis of PTSD and that she has a broken wrist so he will be putting a cast on later. Also Sanea has bad anorexia and a fractured rib. Cameron developed a minor/major concussion and a little bit OCD. Arianna has a sprained ankle and developed a slight case of ADHD but it can be treatable. The last thing the doctor told us before walking away was that they will need to stay in the hospital until next Monday, since it's Monday today, and later tests, CAT scans, and MRI scans would be ran.

Kevin's pov
The doctor came out and told us everything would be ok and literally a wave of relief fell over my shoulders. The girls have to stay in the hospital for the rest of the week but nothing is seriously wrong like a coma or something. I know we only just met but I really love Cammy. She's so sweet and beautiful. I want her to be mine. And I'm most positive Devin wants to be with Sanea and Daniel wants to be with Ari. I'm just really happy their ok because I couldn't live without them. In the little bit of time that we've known each other we've all become bestfriends  and I wouldn't ask for a better friendship.

Daniel's pov
You know that moment when you feel like you've just stopped breathing but you still are. Yeah. That's the feeling I got in the waiting room. My heart stopped, my stomach dropped, and the world stopped spinning. They can't leave this Earth now. Not like this. They don't deserve to leave knowing the last thing they did before they left was escape from their kidnappers. It just shouldn't work that way. I love all of them a lot and the thought of them not being here in unbearable. But now that I know that their all ok I can breathe without my heart skipping beats. Arianna is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I want her in my life. I want to protect her. I want her to feel safe and that no one is out to get her. I just want...her.

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