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"You won't keep me from my child," Kylo says. We've been back at the base for a couple hours, and it feels nice. Words cannot describe how much I've missed this place. "I never wanted to, Ky. I was just doing what I thought would be best for the baby." He takes two large steps towards me and puts both hands on the sides of my head. "Let me into your mind. I can't trust your word." I grant him complete access, and he digs deep into my memories. Once he's gained every bit of information he's needed, he takes a step back.

"You missed me?" He asks. I nod. "Of course I did. I love you." He puts a hand on my cheek, and I look into his amber eyes. "You hurt me, Violet. I wanted to die." I rest my head against his chest and he holds me tight. "I didn't want to leave you, but you know why I did. I was going to come back once I'd had the baby," I say. He nods, his whole body trembling against mine.

"We have to say they kidnapped you. They'll kill you for treason if they know you just left." He says. I nod slowly, feeling insanely comforted by the feeling of his body against mine. Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen, and it causes me to double over. "What's wrong?" Kylo asks, helping me up. "I think I might be going into labor." His eyes widen, and his hands begin shaking uncontrollably. "Are you sure?" He asks, doing his best to support me so I don't fall. "I think so."

He runs a hand through his hair and draws in a jagged breath, trying to think of what to do. He catches me off guard immediately when he whisks me up into his arms and starts carrying me towards the medical center. We pass multiple people, and all of them shoot us the same strange looks. "I'm glad you're here," I say, putting a hand on Kylo's cheek and smiling at him. For a moment, it feels like time has stopped, and we're the only two people in the entire universe to exist. His lips curve upward into a small smile, and he presses a kiss to my forehead. "Me too."

He carries me into the medical center, swiftly approaching the front desk. "My wife is going into labor," he says. Wait, did he just call me his wife? I look up at him in confusion, and he shrugs it off. A nurse leads us back into a room, and Kylo lays me down on the hospital bed. The nurse takes my blood pressure and checks my heart rate, and I let out a whimper as she quickly inserts an IV into my arm. "When was your last contraction?" She asks. "About five minutes ago," Kylo answers. She nods, and helps me out of my clothes and into a hospital gown. "Just sit tight for a little while and hit this button if you need anything," she says. I nod and she quickly exits the room.

"You called me your wife," I say. Kylo nods and sits down in a chair beside the bed, taking my hand in his. "It seemed like a natural thing to say." I smile at him, and he brushes a strand of hair away from my face. "This may not be the best time to say this, since we've just seen each other for the first time in eight months and you're about to have our baby, but I can't live without you, Violet. I found that out when you were gone. It felt like I couldn't breathe without you." He gets down on one knee, and my eyes widen, knowing what he's about to do. "It doesn't have to be any time soon, but will you marry me?" I nod, and he immediately gets up and wraps his arms around me.

We hold each other, and as he kisses me, I can feel another contraction coming on. I hold back a groan, and I bite my lip to try to get through the pain. "I know it'll only get worse," I say, raking my nails up into Kylo's hair and flashing him a pained smile. He kisses me softly, putting a hand on my stomach. "I'll be here the whole time. I know you're strong enough to get through this."

He never leaves my side, except for when I send him to fetch me some water. He's there to hold my hand when I need it, and to keep me going when the pain begins getting stronger. I let out a loud whine as another contraction sends a large amount of pain through my back and stomach, and Kylo squeezes my hand. "You know, we never thought of any baby names," he says, trying to distract me. "If it's a girl, I like Astrid. If it's a boy, I have no idea," I say. Kylo nods. "I guess we'll know once the baby is born."

"This sucks," I say, beginning to feel another contraction. Kylo holds my hand and rakes a hand through my hair in attempt to comfort me. "I wish I could help." I let out a groan, wishing I could have some kind of medication already to stop the pain. "You can help by making sure Hux and Snoke understand that I was kidnapped. That'll be one less thing for me to stress over." Kylo smiles. "I will, but not now. I'm not leaving your side until this whole thing is over with."

I let out a deep breath that I didn't realize I was holding in, and I whine as I feel another contraction coming on. This is going to be a long day.

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