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"I'm afraid," I say, holding the baby close to my body. We're about to go in and talk to Snoke, and I'm sweating bullets. I don't think I've ever been this nervous in my entire life. "He trusts me. He'll take my word," Kylo says. He presses a kiss to my cheek, and lightly runs a hand over the baby's head. "If he tries to hurt you, I'm getting you and Ben out of here immediately. It'll all be fine," he whispers, putting a hand on my shoulder. I nod slowly, and he pulls the doors open, allowing me to walk into the massive dimly lit room.

Snoke is sitting before us, and I bow my head a little bit upon seeing him. "Hello Leader Snoke," I say, smiling politely. He nods in my direction, folding his hands in his lap. "Good evening, Violet." Ben coos a little bit, and I rub his back in attempt to hush him. "Is that your child?" Snoke asks, leaning over to get a closer look. No shit it's my child. I'm obviously no longer pregnant and I wouldn't just be holding some random baby. Kylo laughs a little under his breath, and I know he must've been reading my thoughts. "Yes, it's ours," he says.

Snoke almost looks like he's smiling a little bit, but then his face returns to its original stoic form. "His name is Ben," I say, rocking the baby back and forth. "Wonderful. I have a great feeling that your child will be the future of the first order." I nod, feeling my stomach sink. I don't want Ben to be the future of the first order. I want him to live a normal life. I want him to grow up happy, and not have to deal with being pushed around by people on the dark side.

"As happy as it makes me to see such a beautiful family, I'm afraid we have more pressing matters to discuss," Snoke says, leaning back and staring down at us. "What was the reason for your unexpected departure, Sergeant Locke?" He asks. Ben starts crying, and I quickly hand him to Kylo so he can quiet him down.

"As you know, my twin sister was caught stealing information from the first order. That was all a ruse, for her real objective was to kidnap me and gain an advantage for the resistance," I say. Snoke's eyebrows furrow together in confusion, and I continue. "She purposely got caught, knowing that I would visit her in the interrogation room. When I was alone with her, she begged me to remove the restraints, to which I complied. I couldn't bear seeing my sister tied up like an animal," I say. Snoke sighs. "That was unwise of you, Sergeant," Snoke says. I nod. "I'm aware of that now, but then I wasn't thinking clearly. She was able to knock me unconscious and trade clothes with me so no one would know a difference. At midnight, she drugged me and forced me back to her ship, where she brought me back to her camp and held me as prisoner for five months. After that, I was taken to the resistance headquarters, and luckily enough, I was rescued."

Snoke nods, looking completely convinced. 'You're a great liar,' Kylo says, the message echoing through my mind. 'Thanks.' My heart is beating so fast that I can feel it thumping against my chest, and I hope Snoke can't hear it. "It certainly is lucky we found you. I'm terribly sorry that we weren't able to get to you sooner," he says. I nod. "You did all you could. I'm just happy I was able to get back before I had to deliver the child."

Kylo puts an arm around me, and I smile up at Snoke. "I think I speak for everyone when I say that we are glad to have you back. You both are dismissed," Snoke says. We quickly bow before exiting the room, closing the doors behind us. "Come on. Let's go back to the room," Kylo says, handing Ben back to me. We slowly walk down the halls, a comfortable silence taking over the both of us. As we get closer to the room, I start noticing a few figures standing by the door. "What's happening?" I ask. Kylo shakes his head. "I have no idea."

Hux and Captain Phasma, along with a few other people of authority, are waiting for us outside of the room. "We thought we'd give you a little something as a baby gift or welcome back present," General Hux says. I smile at them all in disbelief, overjoyed that they'd want to do anything nice to help me. Kylo opens the door, and we immediately notice the mahogany crib sitting against the wall. There are tons of gifts sitting on the bed, along with a black baby carrier. "Thank you so much!" I say, hugging everyone. They all smile at me, welcoming me home. "We'll leave you to it, then," Hux says, patting Kylo on the back. Phasma waves goodbye to the baby, and everyone walks back down the hall.

Kylo shuts the door and makes his way over to the bed full of presents, beginning to open them up. We now have a huge abundance of baby bottles, diapers, clothes, and toys. "That was so nice of them," Kylo says, beginning to fold everything up and put it away. I lay back on the bed and rest Ben on my chest, smiling at him. "Everyone loves you," I say, allowing him to wrap his tiny hand around my finger.

Kylo lays down beside me, and he brushes the stray hairs out of my face. A sudden thought strikes me, and my eyes widen. "What?" He asks. I groan in absolute defeat. "We named our son Ben Ren. He's going to be teased his whole life for his name rhyming," I say. Kylo sighs. "Not if he's Ben Solo." I smile at him, and he lightly kisses my nose. "Promise me we'll get the hell out of here as soon as we can," I say. Kylo nods. "I promise."

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