The truth

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In the morning I wake up early exited for  today. Suddenly someone knock at the door

"Come in "

And I find the headmaster standing in front of me

"You kissed a human"

"How did you know"

"Oh no it's time"

"Time for what"

"Bella you're curse is that you'll fall in love with a human and because of him you'll go to the dark side  "

"What no "

"Be careful "

"Okay.: And she leaves still all stressed up

I wake Marilyn up and tell her everything the headmaster told me

"We need to be extra careful by now "

"Okay let's go to school now"

"Ohhh I see you're exited or am I wrong"

"Yehhhh maybe now let's see where Jake and Drake are"

"We are here so you're ready "

"No Marilyn isn't done yet"

"What I see that she didn't even start"

"Okay what about you get out so I would get ready"


"I'm going too"

"So I heard you kissed James "

"Marilyn told you didn't she"

"Who else would"

"Ehhhhhh I should have seen that coming:

"Yehhh you should have"

"I'm ready.oh I see you found out"

"Yes that you told them about my kiss"

"Well I didn't tell them about you're curse which is you kissing a human which will lead to you being on the dark side did I"

"You just did"


"Wait you will"

"No I'll be careful so that won't happen now lets go to school"

"When we arrive I find Carmen, Cindy, and Martha whom we are kind of enemies"

"I can't believe you kissed him". Carmen shouted angrily she's kind of the lead

"Who kissed who"

"You kissed James my dream guy"

"Ohhh sorry but from now on he's taken."and I left

"Okay from where did that come from it's like you're becoming bad"

"No no sorry I don't know what happened"

As we are walking I see James and came over to say hi but then I hear him talking with his friend that he won five box from each one for kissing me

"What??? "

"Bella I can explain"

"What is there to explain you lied and had a bet for kissing me really I thought you are different but it turns out I was wrong."

After the day past by Marilyn Jake and Drake trying to make me laugh and James trying to talk to me the school day is over. I decide to walk a little and think of all that happened to me today then I find the same man that Marilyn and I ran from yesterday my DAD I want to run but I felt like am paralyzed I couldn't move

The cursed witchWhere stories live. Discover now