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Finally James finishes the surgery and comes to me where I actually discover that his secretary like him she is soooo fired but Sarah is actually a good person soo plus I told her we were dating and she was about to cry that's what I would have done in her place

"Hey Bella "

"So how was the surgery Doctor "

"Great the surgery went great "

"Good so what are your plans for the rest of today"

"I need to check on some people and then we'll see"

"Can I help"

"Sure how about wearing a nurse's uniform "


"I was joking

"Well I'm not and there is no way Sarah is helping"

"Oh why don't tell me that you found out she likes me"

"Well actually I did"

"Wait what???"

"So either you fire her or stay away from her"

"So you are jealous "

"Yes yes I am so"

"Ohhh you don't need to you're the only women in my life the only one"

"Ahhhhh so sweet :

"Well thank you." And he leans to give me a kiss and all the workers are all looking at us oh come on you never sow a girl kissing a boy

"Can you PLEASE tell them to stop looking it is so desterbing"

"I told you it's because..."

"I know because I'm the first girl you bring to work but still". Then I hear a lot of screaming and I turn to find Sarah possessed by an evil spirit it had to happen come on

"Bella.... Is she"

"Yes "


"What "

"Hide the spirit is after you....hide"

"No I need to help I'm the only one that can help"

"No you're too weak you need to rest "

"Either I run or you loose all the workers you have"

"I'd rather loose them than you"

"Really... I mean no I need to help." When all the area is clear I transform to my witch clothes and I'm about to fight when James holds my hand

"I'm not ready to loose you again and this time for good"

"You won't don't worry okay "

"Please... Don't:. But I don't listen to James and use all the powers that I still have and it took a couple of minutes but I am able to get rid of the evil spirit but then I feel very weak and while I'm falling I see James who's holding me and then everything turns black

When Bella wakes up

As I am waking up I find myself back in James house in my room and James staring at me worried

"Bella I... I told you why didn't you listen"

"I had to plus.... No I've got nothing to add"

"Hhh I thought I lost you back their now you're weaker than before"

"At least I'll spend more time with you". I try to change the subject

The cursed witchWhere stories live. Discover now